Chapter T w o

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as we continue to have a conversation about just things in general, i hear the front door to Tommy's house open and i turn my head in curiosity.

"oh, i think that's my mum back from the shop, wanna come say hi?" He asks me. I nod and he gestures for me to follow him.

He brings me to the kitchen where his mum is. "Hello! You must be the y/n Tom was talking to me about the second he came through the door" His mum said. I laughed, i fucking knew it, and looked up at Tommy beside me, he was a dark red shade and giving his mum a death glare.

"Yes, that would most likely be me" I say, kindly. "nice to know he was talking about me." i laugh, tommy's mum joining in. he rolls his eyes.

"Come on y/n, let's go-" Tommy takes my wrist and I laugh at how abrupt he was with it. "no need to dislocate my wrist," i say, sarcastically. he rolls his eyes at me and pulls me up the stairs.

"Sorry about my mum by the way, she just loves to embarrass me infront of everyone." He says, looking a bit embarrassed. "It's okay, you haven't even met my mum yet, she's way worse." I reassure him and he laughs. His laugh is contagious so I end up laughing along.

We both talk until my mum texts me and asks for me home. I get up and hug him without thinking, i always hugged everyone when leaving and it was sort of instinct by now.

"Oh sorry I-" I try to pull away but his arms wrap around me too. "Calm down y/n, you're alright." He laughs. I wave goodbye to him and leave out the front door and walk to mine, thinking of what i just did.

I open the front door, my mum was home so the door was now open. "Who's this 'Thomas' kid anyway?" She said to me when I walked into the living room. "Oh he's a new friend," I say, she raises her eyebrow at me. "Oh my sweet jesus. Mum don't even think like that i just met him!" I whine, going red. She laughs at my embarrassment.

I run upstairs and get changed, brush my teeth, do my skincare and brush my hair.

I text Tommy a quick 'goodnight :))' before drifting off and into a peaceful sleep..

Gonna do the first few chapters tonight so there's a some what start to this story

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