Chapter T h i r t e e n

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School is finally over for the summer. Thank fuck! Anyways, Tommy said he's coming over today so I guess I should get ready. I get up and into a crop top and shorts.

My mum was away on a business trip for a week, so I was alone and I didn't really like it. I hear a knock on the door, i rush downstairs to get it. I see the familiar face and he hugs me tightly. "Hello Tommy!" I say happily. "Ello y/n!" He replies.

he comes in to my house. "how are you feeling?" he asks, as i had messaged him saying i didn't feel too good last night. "yeah i feel a little better than last night," i nod and smile. he smiles too. "how are you?" i ask him. "i'm good, now that i'm with my favourite person," he hugs me again. i laugh a little and hug him back. he pulls away and smiles.

"where's lucy and your mum? i usually see them wandering around, especially lucy my favourite," he smiles at the thought of my dog, swear he likes her more than his own dogs at this point.

"I'm gonna be alone all this week, my mum is away on a business trip and Lucy is away to a kennel place." I say, covering my mouth with my hand as i ate a cookie. "You could come to mine for the week? My mum loves you, so she wouldn't mind, only if you want to though.." he says. "No shit I want to! But please make sure with your mum about this, I don't wanna get in your way-" I say, i loved his mum so i had to make sure.

I feel a pair of hands on my waist and pull me in. I look forward and Tommy's face is inches away from mine. "You couldn't get in my way y/n, and if somehow managed to, i wouldn't be mad," he says, closing the distance. His soft lips against mine. I pull back and gaze into his eyes. "Alright, If your mums okay with it.." I say, still not sold on going unless motherinnit says so.

He texts her and she texts back saying "of course! tell her she's more than welcome to stay for the full week! xx". He shows me the text and I look up to him with a smile. He smiles at my excitement and we both run up to my room to pack stuff.

He notices a hoodie of his in my closet. "When am I gonna get this back?" He asked jokingly. "never ever ever," i hum. "alright, fine by me," he laughs. he turns around to me as i'm lifting some of my jewellery. he kissed my cheek so my gaze is turned to him. he just smiles and walks away again, what a stupid little simp that boy has become.

I'm back again! I don't know how I survived school but I did! It was alright I guess, could have been worse but could have been better. Hope you all have/had a wonderful day! - Ella <3

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