Chapter F i f t e e n

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-Annie POV-

i think i regret saying that, i mean it's probably a touchy topic for her. but i hate her, i really really do. i've liked tom for years, okay i know he has told me many of times he doesn't like me, and maybe flirting with him while he has a girlfriend isn't a good thing to be doing.

i look at myself in the mirror of tom's bathroom. i didn't wanna face anyone after that whole thing because what i said was horrible. why cant i be nice to her? it feels impossible, i'm just so jealous of her. god she makes my blood boil at the thought of her and tom being together, and him loving her makes me feel sick to the stomach. i always thought me and tom would end up together, but he doesn't even like me as a friend. why cant anything go my way?

-y/n POV-

i sit up in tom's room with him, he was cuddling me. it helped me cope, making jokes about my dad but i didn't like when people brought him up. "are you okay?" tommy whispers to me, holding my hand. "yeah, just thinking," i whisper back. "about?". "my dad,". i look away, tommy holding me tighter. "the way you dealt with that is a lot more calm than the way i would've," he whispers.

i laugh a little. "i wanted to humiliate her, she obviously doesn't like me so why should i have any sympathy for her," i explain. "that's fair, the look on her face showed that she absolutely died on the spot," he laughs a little too. "don't even say it no." tom covers my mouth as he realises what i was about to say. "fucking ruined my joke man," i cross my arms. "i'm not in the mood for any of your dead jokes, i've heard enough and they make me awkward beyond belief," he hums. to be fair i do make him awkward with my jokes.

"i'm tired," i sigh. "go to sleep then," tommy replies. "okay! will do," i get up, turning back around and kissing him on the lips gently. "goodnight darling," i whisper. "goodnight love," he replies. i leave the room, getting changed into a pair of shorts and an old t-shirt. i slip into bed, quickly falling asleep, but also into a nightmare

** Nightmare ** - slight tw! -

i see a tall figure, standing by what seemed to be the edge of a building. the sun came out from behind the clouds, and the figure's hair was shown. i could recognise that golden blonde hair anywhere.

Tommy moved closer to the edge, I yell at him. "TOM NO," but he doesn't seem to hear me, he turns around with his eyes catching onto me. he waves before he takes a few steps back, and he falls off the building.

** back to reality **

I woke up in a cold sweat, holy shit that was a nightmare. i sigh out heavily and look at my phone for the time, 23:58. It was quite late but I hear a mouse clicking. I get up and see through the creak in Tommy's door that he was still editing.

I walk in and whisper "Toms.." in a shaky voice. He turns around to see me quite frightened. He takes off his headphones and says "what's wrong? your hands are shaking.." with a concerned tone. "Nightmare..". that's all I could get out.

I throw myself into his arms and he wraps them around me. He takes me over to his chair and he sits down, pulling me onto his lap. "Could you explain what happened?" He asks me, softly. "I don't really want to say everything, but you jumped off a building in the end.." I say, with a shaky voice. "oh y/n, it's alright love, I'm here and I'm okay. it was just a stupid dream, okay?" he says, his voice was comforting to me.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you.." I say, going to get up. "No no no, sit down, you're alright. Editing can wait, you're way more important. I love you." He whispers to me, not letting me get up. "I love you too.." I say, burying my face into his neck. "You wanna sleep in here then?" He asks. "If you don't mind.." I say, he shakes his head and says "of course i don't, once I finish this bit of editing we can go to bed okay?" I nod into his neck.

soon enough, he's done. He picks me up and takes me to his bed, I cover my eyes while he changes his bottoms and he helps me under the sheets. He cuddles up to me and soon we are both out cold, cuddled up to the other.

I have skl tomorrow and it's past midnight ty I wanted to give you guys another chapter bc I haven't been uploading as often. Sooo enjoy!! <3

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