Chapter T w e n t y O n e

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-Tommy POV-
I wake up, I don't remember falling asleep, but I didn't feel y/n with me. I sit up, rather alarmed the girl wasn't beside me, I check the time. 17:47. God I slept for awhile, I guess crying about Betty's death wore me out, it still stung but I got up and roughly shaped my bed head before going downstairs. I see my mum boiling the kettle and y/n standing with her face in her crossed arms, leaning against the counter. "Y/n?" I say, she looks up almost immediately. Her face looked to be in pain. I walk over to her, "you alright love?" I ask. She looks to my mum and she speaks for her. "It's her time of the month Tom, go easy on her." I nod slowly and turn my gaze back to y/n. I kiss her lips softly and hug her, she hugs back. My mum hands her a hot water bottle. "Thanks Michelle.." She whimpers. I couldn't stand seeing her like this. I follow her into the living room and I lay down, she lays on my chest sideways, placing the hot water bottle on her stomach and bladder. I tilt her head up to me and she buries her face into my neck. "You sure your alright, you look very weak?" I say, in almost a whisper. "It hurts, it feels like I'm being stabbed multiple times in the bladder," she laughs. I let out a small chuckle and she says "as long as your here I'll be alright,". I remember I said something along those lines once and I smile, she actually listened to me didnt she? I really loved her and appreciated her. I couldn't think of what my life would be without her. "I find it funny how we started off as just classmates," she says. "Your right, it's weird how we went from classmates to friends to best friends to lovers," I say. "Hmm, lovers, I've never thought of it that way, that's cuteee" she says. I laugh at her. "Oh how I love you y/n." I say, with a smile. "I love you more 'TomTom'" she mocks, pressing her lips into mine.

This book has come to an end! I've loved writing it and it's probably one of my favourite books I've wrote. I'm going to write a Karl x Reader (yes again Ik, I'm a simp leave me alone) because I wanna keep myself busy with writing books, but I love it so much so I don't mind, If you decide not to follow me and keep reading my books then I wish you the best in life and I love you, goodbye! And to anyone who continues to read my books, I'll see you soon, I'll update this book when I release the first chapter or two <3 - Ella

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