Chapter T e n

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**In a Dream**

"I hate you y/n, i don't even know why i thought it would be a good idea to date you in the first place!!" i hear a familiar voice yell, that voice was so recognisable. i turn around, looking for tom, but no one was there. just his voice booming. "i hate you y/n!" the words echoed, god they stung like nettles. it started to take ma affect on me, as my eyes began to water. the dream gets all shaky and distorted suddenly..

*back to reality*

"y/n?? are you okay love?" came a very worried voice. My eyes slowly open and I see Tommy leaning over me with an obvious worry on his face. "tom?" I say, my voice weak. "Y/n! You're alright.." he says, picking me up and hugging me. "what do you mean i'm alright? of course i am, why wouldn't i be?" i was completely confused.

"You fell asleep on me and your hands began to shake a little, I tried to wake you up but you didn't respond.." he says in more relieved voice. He sighed out a heavy sigh, covering his face with his hands.

I wrap my arms around his neck, his come around my waist. "That Annie bitch is still downstairs, but I need a drink, i'm fucking gasping, wanna come down with me?" Tommy asks, he truly cared, and i couldn't thank him more. I laugh at his bluntness but nod and he takes my hand.

We walk into the kitchen where Annie was sitting in a bad mood on the stool and their mums were talking in a different room. Annie shot me a dirty look but I ignored her. Tommy squeezes my hand and I turn my gaze to him. "I'm gonna go to the toilet okay? I'll be right back" He says, kissing my forehead. I did not wanna be left alone in a room with this bitch, but it'll only be for a minute so.

20 seconds after he leaves Annie walks over to me. "Look bitch, Tommy doesn't love you okay? He just wants to look cool with a girl, everyone knows he really loves me, he always has! I mean come on, I'm way more pretty and cute than you. And he's known me for way longer! I don't even know you but what I do know, is that you're a attention seeking little shit and you don't love Tommy like I do. Now stay away from him." She says angrily. My blood boils at her voice. "just shut up, please for the love of god, i barely know you but your face annoys me." i say to her, she aggravated me with her words.

A voice clears their throat from behind, I look to see a not so happy looking Tommy. "Oh hey Tom Tom!" Annie says innocently, turning around to face him. "Don't act so innocent Annie. I heard most of what you said. And for your information, I hate your guts and always have. I love y/n and I'm not with her to look cool, I'm with her because she's pretty and has a great personality. And you should stay away from me, because I don't wanna see you anymore." Tommy says, he pushes Annie away from me and stands in front of me.

She looks taken aback and angry but doesn't say anything. Tommy turns around to me and makes sure i was okay. He kisses me and whispers "don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she's talking about.". I smile and he takes my hand to guide me up the stairs. "Do you wanna stream with me for the first time?" He asks me, leaning back a little. I nod and he sets up his stream.

"WHATS UP CHAT!" His online persona had came to him. "Today, is a just chatting stream, with, as in the title, a special guest!" He gestures for me to walk into the frame. "u/n!" He yells out my twitch user. I walk into frame and wave before he moves over in his seat so I could sit down too. "Ask us some questions guys!" Tommy says.

How did you two meet?

"Well I moved across the country and I just so happened to sit beside it in class" I say, lightly flicking the side of Tommy's head. He looks around at me, looking offended as i called him "it".

Girl stop using him for attention.

she's kinda nice!

She's very quiet.

"Guys, be nice to y/n! Don't be toxic, and yes she's nice and quiet. That's just the way she is, okay? And I don't think she would use me." He says looking across to me. "I would never! What type of person do you think i am?" I say, looking to the chat.

Are you two dating? You better not be! Because Tommy is MINE.

I laugh at their username and how they spelt his username wrong. He looks to me and I nod at him, telling him it was alright to tell them. "Guys, we are dating. And what are you gonna do? It's our lives and not yours." He says, proudly. I smile at him being proud to admit to me being his girlfriend.

We stream for a few hours and it's now pretty late, we heard Annie's family leave earlier so we knew we would be alright. I steal one of Tommy's hoodies to sleep in and he laughs at me.

I crawl into his bed and he goes to sleep elsewhere when I say, "nope. Come here!" whilst doing the grabby hands. "you're too cute to resist you know that?" He says crawling into the bed beside me.

I look up to him and kiss him, the kiss lasting a little while before I pull away for air. I smile and whisper "goodnight toms". And as I'm losing consciousness I hear "goodnight love." I fall asleep with butterflies roaming my stomach. But I honestly couldn't have gone to bed with any better feeling.

Hello! Running out of ideas, I'll come up with some soon though. Also my school starts again on Monday so I might update a little less then, but I'll try as hard as I can to keep chapters flowing for you guys, I love you!! 💗

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