Chapter F o u r

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"Wanna watch a movie?" Tommy asks me, as we sat on his bed having a conversation. I nod rapidly in response and he runs downstairs to get snacks. I bring his laptop over and sit up on the bed.

I scroll through Instagram until he comes back with his hands full of snacks. I set my phone down and he sits beside me on the bed, him being beside the wall. He sets up the laptop and asks "what movie you wanna watch?". "I don't mind, you can choose" I say, smiling. He smiles back gratefully, and he picks 'Up'.

I open a packet of crisps and start eating them. "You're hungry aren't ya?" Tommy says laughing at me stuffing my face in. "yes now leave me alone." i say, causing him to laugh. I roll my eyes and I turn back to the movie.

I feel my eyes getting heavy after awhile and I sink my head into my hands before lifting it up again. I accidentally rest it on Tommy's shoulder. "oh shit sorry, i didn't mean to.." I mumble. "Wait, are you tired? you can fall asleep against me if you want.." he tells me, in a soft whisper. I smile softly and rest my head back on his shoulder, shortly enough, I'm out cold.

Tommy POV -

She fell asleep on my shoulder, I have this weird feeling in my stomach sometimes around her, I don't what it is but I think I have an idea. I don't have a crush on her do I? no-'s too early for that.

But she wouldn't fall for me, I'm just some stupid tall blonde streamer boy. I smile at the pretty girl sleeping peacefully on my shoulder and i run my hands gently through her h/c hair. I eventually turn off the laptop and remove the snacks.

I lay her down in my bed, I was gonna go get the blow up mattress. sleeping beside her wasn't an option in my head. It was already blown up, no idea why or who, but I was grateful anyway. I bring it in and take a pillow and a few blankets before I also fall into a deep sleep..

I'm writing another chapter tonight, so excuse this short one. I'm tired so any spellings mistakes and I blame it on that.

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