Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

The sounds of stall owners calling out to passerby about their wares mingled with Nağme's singing. A unique, light-hearted atmosphere traveled down the roads and through the windows. Nağme beamed at the smiling faces in front of her. "Thank you so much, everyone! I have a very special song just for you folks!"

She strummed a beautiful cascade of notes. As she went on, a golden magic aura twirled around her fingers and into the air. The magic shimmered in the form of a majestic bird. The magic bird flew among the crowd as Nağme sang her song. The bystanders were in awe. Some children reached out to touch it. They were entirely entranced by the display. More scenes began to appear. A golden river surrounded by other birds trailed behind the original avian figure. Near the end of the song, the majestic bird turned into a beautiful lady before disappearing with the dissolution of magic. The crowd erupted with cheers and filled her pouch with coins. Nağme bowed. She dabbed the sweat from her brow when she righted herself. Those in the crowd that did not go about their business chatted amongst themselves.

The fae boy ran up with a cup of water. Excitement sparkled in his eyes. "Miss! Oh, Miss. What was that song about?"

"Teehee, well it tells the story of how my people came to be," Nağme explained. "You see my earrings here?" Nağme drew attention to the pair of feathered earrings she wore. They matched the feathers on the underside of her wings.

"Yes, Miss. I see them," the boy nodded.

"They are an important part of my people's religion, Croniwo. It marks me as a servant and protector of Evig Dyr."

"Does that include people like me?" the young boy shyly asked.

"Especially cute charmers like you!"

"Cute? That brat? Don't make me laugh Little Birdie," a snarky voice piped up. Nağme shifted her gaze to the source of the voice. A tall human man was heading towards her. Two more humans stood about ten paces behind him.

"I was never good at comedy. That was the one course I did not do well in during my bardic training," Nağme responded. She faced the man head-on. Her wings barely made it above the man's waist.

"Ooo, she got a tad bit of bite to her lads," the man chuckled. He looked back at his comrades who also laughed. The crowd that had gathered for the music slowly melted away. Faces showed discomfort as they made themselves busy.

Nağme bit her lip at the sight of her audience leaving. She plastered a smile on her face and went on, "If you sirs would like, I will be performing another song shortly. I simply ask for you to step back."

"Oh, do not fret Little Birdie. We will be out of your feathers soon. It is the brat we are here for after all."

Nağme turned to see the young fae. He avoided the glares of the thugs. His wings and legs were visibly shaking. Nağme turned to look the main thug in his bright brown eyes. She held her wing out to shield the boy from view and clenched her fists, "I am terribly sorry sirs, but this young boy is my helper today. I will not be able to hand him over." The tension in Nağme's voice was subtle. She saw the man's brow furrow.

"Is that so?" his voice was deep and his cadence slow. "Will he be getting paid for being your 'helper'?"

"Yes," Nağme answered with confidence. The fae boy looked at her with disbelief.

"M-miss, you-," he began to stutter.

"Shut up brat!" the thug cut him off. "Does it look like anyone wanted to hear your pitiful squeaks?"

The boy flinched. Instantaneously, he shrunk down to the size of a spool of thread. Only a faint silhouette of his quivering form was distinguishable amongst the bright aqua shimmer surrounding him. The other two thugs started to come closer. Vanajja growled at their approach. She stalked out of the shadows into view.

"Now, we don't intend on causing trouble. Do we lads?"

"Nah boss," the two followers responded.

"Right, but that bug has a debt to us you see and this is how we are going to proceed," the boss gave a slimy smirk. "First, nab the brat Lud."

The thug with the matching tattoo on his left knee lunged at the small fae. The sound of a soft chime flew past Nağme's ear as the boy tried to evade him. The thug named Lud plowed his way through stalls as he gave chase.

"Hey!" Nağme went to grab her bow and quiver, but the thug she was talking to shoved her to the ground.

"Just what did you think you were gonna do?" he mocked. Vanajja barked wildly. She ran up and bit the ankle of the ruffian's boss. He kicked her off, four large puncture wounds from her fangs were left behind. "God fucking damn it! Pleo, restrain that mutt!"

"Vanajja!" Nağme screamed. Before Vanajja could do anything, the thug called Pleo, with a matching tattoo on his forearm, slammed her head into the ground. She howled in pain when he dug his knee into her ribs.

"Get off her!" Nağme protested. A yank on her wings pulled her to her feet. She swung back and contacted the thug's chest.

"Now this cute," he whispered in her ear. "The next thing we are going to do is take this little coin purse. Call it an advance on the brat's portion plus a tariff for performing on our turf."

Nağme swung again, aiming for his throat. He easily grabbed her wrists in his hand. He laughed as he pulled her taunt. She yelled for her release but it fell on deaf ears.

"Now, the last thing we are going to do is-, " the thug's whisper was truncated by the crack of a whip. All eyes turned towards a fuming male avinian and a scrawny elven merchant.

A polite, yet stern sentence from the small elf went, "It would be beneficial to all of us if you kindly let out companions go."

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