Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Aavistus stopped walking and turned around. The sound of singing could faintly be heard. He smiled and gave an exasperated chuckle, "That little hatchling."

"What?" Valgus responded.

"Nağme is weaving in a manipulation spell into her song. That girl never learns," Aavistus tightened his ponytail as he started moving again.

Valgus quickened his pace to keep up with Aavistus' long strides. "We will at least get more coin, but will they be alright?"

"Yes, if she doesn't get caught," Aavistus sighed. "There have been numerous times when I had to bail her out of trouble caused by her mischief when we were younger."

"Back when you guys lived on the streets?" Valgus cautiously asked.

"Yes, Valgus. Before we met you we had to do very misleading things to get by, but we had each other to keep the other out of jail."

"I wonder how Abigail is doing." Valgus sighed. "She probably already got news of the attack on the castle and of our plans to come to Farulia. She must be so terribly worried."

"Your sister will be fine Pr- Valgus. She is already at the palace in Prachtige for her mystical studies. If we arrive somewhat close to schedule, she won't be the wiser."

Aavistus ruffled the small elf's mop of hair. Valgus playfully swatted his hand away with a chuckle. They came to a cross-section of the road where what looked like an inn sat. Both men looked at each other. With a nod, they entered the establishment. At the front desk, a young-looking maiden hovered in the air. Her skin was an ethereal cream color. Her hair was a lavender purple that fell in light curls just above her shoulders. The nail in the coffin was when she looked at Aavistus and Valgus with bright orange eyes. She was an alkimia.

"Hiya! Welcome to the Twilight Inn!" she enthusiastically recited.

"Hello there. Would you happen to know the name of the town we are in?" Valgus asked. He took a step closer to the desk.

"This is Blom village! We are on a nice little island off the coast of mainland Farulia. Now, are you looking for a room for two or for one?" she asked with a quill pen at the ready.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to confuse you. We aren't here for a room, you see. We are just lost and, um, well- " Valgus began to trip over his words. Aavistus swiftly stepped in.

"Young lady, we only need a place in which to gather some information. Do you perhaps know of a place such as a library nearby?"

"Granpapi is better than any old library in this village! He is always sitting in the rocker by the fireplace over there," the little alkimia pointed to a corner where an old man with a lilac-grey beard slightly hovered in a rocking chair in front of an empty fireplace. "And while I appreciate being called young, I am fifty years old. Be mindful when talking to Grandpapi. He can be tactless in his old age."

Valgus and Aavistus made their way to the old man. They stood at his side. The man was wrinklier than a piece of old leather. The sunlight from a nearby window showed his clouded yellow eyes. Valgus pulled up a stool and sat down next to the senior. The man turned his head in the direction of the sound.

"Who are you? If you be wanting this here room then too bad you shmucks! I ain't moving!" he yelled.

"Oh no, sir. We are not here to try and kick you from your spot. We just wanted to ask you some questions. Would that be alright sir?" Valgus reassured in a soothing voice.

The old man seemed to perk up, "Oh you want to hear my stories? Why didn't you say so in the first place!"

"Do you know how far we are to Prachtige?" Aavistus asked with a twinge of impatience.

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