Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Vanajja sat up to the sound of the horn. Loud footsteps and yelling filled the hall outside the room. The other three looked amongst themselves worriedly. She swung out of her hammock and grabbed her swords.

"You better stay put this time," Vanajja growled as she hooked her swords to her hips. She ran to the door and threw it open. All manners of people ran in the direction of the deck in arms. Vanajja joined the stampede to emerge into a war zone on the main deck. Gargoyles and harpies swarmed the sky. Goblins ran amok on the deck and syrens surrounded the ship by sea. The sight of corpses and pools of blood littered the wooden planks. Anguished screams mingled with the sounds of battle. Vanajja growled as she wielded her swards. She jumped into the fray with no fear.

Back below, Valgus nervously played with his ring as he placed the room. "I want to help them."

"No, absolutely not! It is far too dangerous. It already sounds like it is a massacre!" Aavistus urged.

"Aavistus, I am more than capable of fighting to save this ship and the people on board. This includes us, might I add. What type of crown prince would I be if I simply just hide as others die for a cause they don't even know they're apart of? It is only right I join."

Aavistus opened his mouth, but then shut it. He scrunched up his big, hooked nose, "Fine. You can help."


"But I will be joining the brawl as well."

"Even better!"

"I want to help too!" Nağme chimed in.

Aavistus quickly refused, "If is far too dangerous."

"You need my magic. I am no longer a child," Nağme countered. Putting on her best puppy dog face, she changed her approach, "Pretty please dear brother."

Aavistus tensed up before letting out a sigh, "Fine, fine. I accede."

Valgus and Nağme shared a grin as the three of them headed to the door of their lodging. Crew members ran to and fro, trying to find a way to aid in the battle or to avoid it.

Valgus stopped one young man with a hand, "We need weapons. Where can we find them?"

"Yous don't got any weapons? WHAT THE HELL? Why the fuck not?" the man yelled in a panic. As Valgus stammered the man groaned, "Nevermind, don't matter now. Just get you're asses in gear and follow me."

Valgus looked at Aavistus with an awkward smirk. The three then ran after the grime covered sailor. He took them to a storage room further down the hall. It looked like it had been ransacked. Empty hooks lined the walls and crates picked through were scattered around.

"Doesn't look like we will have that much of a variety," Valgus mumbled.

"Well yeah! That's what happens when you meander around! Just grab something and join the fight!" the sailor said before turning around and running back.

The three started to go through the remaining weapons, looking for something to help. Barrels, crates, and hooks one after another came up empty.

"I just keep finding banged up swords!" Valgus whined.

"Haven't you had fencing lessons?" Nağme asked as she bent over to look in another crate.

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