Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

With a bright spark from the palm of Valgus' hand, the fire was ignited.

"At least you ain't as helpless as you look," Vanajja commented. Aavistus shot her a glare. She responded with a shrug. "What? It was a 'compliment'."

Nağme began to roast a few kabobs of different vegetables and starches.

"I do not see why you were so adamant about not preparing the lynx," Aavistus said out loud.

Vanajja answered bluntly," I simply did not find the means of which it was obtained as favorable."

"Teehee," Nağme poked fun. "You must have a real soft spot for animals."

"Shut the fuck up Song-Bird. It is none of your business," Vanajja grumbled. A flash of orangey cheeks caught Nağme's eyes. She smiled. Valgus gave a slight gag, "I would not be able to eat it anyway. I am sick with guilt."

Vanajja sighed. She began to pace around the camp. Her eyes were fixated on the shadow-filled forest.

"Have you gone insane? What are you doing now?" Aavistus heaved.

"I am looking out for any Deabru. You know, the fucking beasts that wish all of us dead at this point," Vanajja responded.

Valgus piped up, "Relax Miss Vanajja. No good will come if you worry too much." A stick flew past the prince's head. The current ruffled a few of his hairs.

"Next time it will be my dagger."

Aavistus pointed his ink tipped quill at Vanajja, "Do you even know what a respectable woman should look and act like?"

"No," Vanajja scoffed.

"Well, what about your mama?" Nağme asked. She stoked the fire with the stick Vanajja had thrown.

"Don't have one," Vanajja paused. She brushed a strand of hair under her horns. "At least, none that my memories serve."

"Did she die when you were young? Is that why the captain adopted you?" Valgus asked in a somber tone.

"Do not know."

"How can you not know?" Aavistus asked in a slight uproar. "I still recall how my mother smelt before she passed!"


The group fell silent. Vanajja spat at the dirt before she climbed a tree. Nağme returned to cooking. Aavistus scribbled in his journal. Valgus starred up at Vanajja before turning his gaze to the ring he wore.

"Nağme, you should go back into town to earn some more money while Valgus and I gather information," Aavistus calmly and softly told Nağme. He did not look up from his journal.

"We should get more supplies for the journey ahead," Valgus affirmed.

"We will talk more later boys. Right now, dinner is ready," Nağme sang. Vanajja jumped out of the trees close to the female avinian. The three sophisticated travelers jumped at her sudden appearance. "Uh, here Vanajja." Nağme handed a kabob over to the wild-looking maiden.

"Thank you kindly," Vanajja formally showed her gratitude. She took the kabob and began to tear into it ravenously. It resembled a lion eating an antelope.

Aavistus let out a laugh, "Hah! Says 'thank you' like a lady yet eats like a starved pig!"

"I am so glad my eating habits can bring your crusty ass some amusement," Vanajja sarcastically spoke. She licked some drippings from her palm.

As they all got their food, the clearing fell into a calm silence. Hunger washed over them. The sound of munching complimented the swaying leaves. Every crumb was devoured.

Vanajja wiped her mouth with her skirt. She stood up and bluntly proclaimed, "I will be keeping watch tonight." She walked closer to the edge of the clearing and staked her swords into the ground. Vanajja sat down to use them as a backrest.

"Fine. Do not take off in the middle of the night, Pirate," Aavistus grumbled. Nağme curled up next to her brother. She used his lap as a pillow. Valgus had already fallen asleep after he finished two kabobs. He was sprawled out on the ground with his lower half oddly elevated on a large rock.

Aavistus still sat with his eyes open but it was an obvious struggle. "Go to bed Crow-face. I will wake you once it is time to switch," Vanajja told him in a commanding voice.

The tall scholar sighed as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. The next hours were spent in silence. Vanajja sat with the dancing fire that glowed. She pulled out her pendant from underneath her shirt. She played with the crystal orb and the gold wires wrapped around it. The glowing embers hit the dark blue gemstone and accentuate the hints of the muddy yellow-green luster that resembled the sea at sunset. Vanajja's golden eyes became cloudy. She cradled the pendant fondly. A pained expression passed over her.

The distant howl of a wolf brought Vanajja back to the reality she now faced. With a weighted sigh, Vanajja let the necklace hang freely. She flicked a pebble into the shrinking fire. It cracked at the impact.

"That necklace is really special to you, isn't it," Nağme voiced groggily.

Vanajja jumped a bit in her seat. In a low growl, she said, "Go back to sleep Song-Bird."

"I wish to talk though. Us girls should stick together."



Vanajja pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fine. Fine! You are more like a damn puppy than a fucking bird!" Vanajja grumbled. "This necklace was the only valuable thing I had on me when the Capt'n found me. His crew at the time tried to swipe it from me, but I bit off the fingers of any bastards who tried."

"Did you obtain it from someone important to you?"

"...Don't know."

"Well, do you know when you got it?"

"No," Vanajja crossed her arms and bent her knees towards her chest.

"Oh. Do you perhaps know- "

"I do not bloody know!" Vanajja cut her off. Her pupils turned sideways. Nağme flinched as a chorus of crickets took up the silence. Vanajja ran her fingers through her mane of hair before she followed up in a gentler tone. "I...cannot remember anything before a few days prior to meeting the Capt'n."

Nağme did not respond. She snuggled closer to her brother and fell asleep once more. A chilling wind blew. Shivers ran down Vanajja's spine. She settled in for a night of watching shadows.

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