Chapter 1 - New World

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The sound of a soft breeze and leafs from what you could only imagine to be trees, we're rustling. You felt warm as you heard near by animals make noise as well as the warm sun inviting itself upon you. You couldn't tell if it was you or the fact that everything felt so natural and relaxing, but you swore you could hear distant music playing as well.

You open your eyes. You look around at the new world that has been generated just for you, or so you thought. You get up from the soft patch of grass you spawned in and walk around your new world.

You start to gather resources such as wood from an unsuspecting oak tree. You weren't sure of your surroundings but you knew you needed to survive. You mixed and matched orders of wood to create weapons. Although they were only wood, welding a weapon such as an axe or a sword made you feel safer than you were vulnerable without them.

You make your way around the new found world and explore new areas, greet gentle innocent animals and collected more materials that you hope will be useful later.

It's not long before your surroundings start to become familiar and not as exciting as they were previously, this gave you the reminder that soon night would be falling upon you and you needed to make shelter. You don't have a lot of wood left and your axe is about to break, so the best you can do is a simple dirt house. Building it was pretty simple and it had enough room for things like your crafting table and- right you needed a bed. After all, what's a house without a bed?

Sun was setting so you needed to find something soft. Unfortunately the only material that you could harvest at the time was sheep's wool, and unfortunately you didn't have any sheers. I'd rather not get into detail about it but let's just say you got what you needed. Unfortunately it took long enough for the sun to set and for a full moon to rise.

You quickly made your way back to your small dirt structure that was currently your 'home'. You didn't realise how far you had to chase that sheep to get it's wool, you're pretty far away from home. It's not long before you hear groaning and the rattling of undead bones near by, the worst part about it is that you're hungry, tired and don't have enough willpower to run the last few miles.

The rattling of bones drew closer and it wasn't long before you came face to face with the culprit of the sound. A skeleton. Despite its dead expression, you could tell it was glad to have something to hunt, but little did it know that you were just as armed as they were. You took out your trusty wooden sword and slashed it into the boney enemy. They took damage sure, but not enough to bring it to it's knees. While you were still taking the shock in, it shot you! Fortunately for you it was only a small injury in the arm, and so the battle begun.

You repeatedly swing your sword at the skeleton till it turned into smoke, leaving behind only a few remains and 2 arrows, not counting the one still wedged into your arm.

Feeling proud, you take your loot and make your way back to your dirty home. Once there you finally craft your bed and get ready to settle down. But before you did you needed to treat your injuries. It doesn't take long for you to remove the arrow and wrap some of your ripped off shirt tightly around your wound so that it doesn't get infected or bleed out.

With a tired sigh, you lay down in your newly made bed. You slowly close your eyes, but as you do, you swear that through the cracks of your dirt shack door, you could see two name tags in the distance.

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