Chapter 9 - A Very Passionate Confession

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The next morning you woke up full of determination and hope. Today you promise yourself that you'll get Steve to finally express his true feelings.

You get out of bed and look outside, looks like Steve is doing farming today so you have time to plan. You decide to strip, leaving your undergarments on and wear the armour that Steve gave you. You know he can't see it but you have a plan.

"Steve?" You say, coming out to him in the armour "What's up?" he says. Turning around and seeing you in your armour made him smile slightly "Let me guess, you want to train?" he said, his smile growing slightly. You nod exitedly and smile. Steve heads inside to change into his armour before heading into the forest with you. P/N was kept at home today, just to make sure nobody comes in the house.

On the way to the forest, you feel the armour rubbing against your skin, it feels really uncomfortable and wrong on so many levels. When you arrive at the small training camp, Steve announces that today's training will be weapon usage. Now you want to listen because this is important but at the same time you came here to do something different.

Steve teaches you how to throw your sword. You use sticks to throw at each other first as a practice run. You throw your stick at Steve and it misses, you groan, irritated "Hey it's alright. Here, maybe try doing this" he shows you how he's aiming his stick, or make believe 'sword'. He then throws it at you. He was aiming for your chest plate but the stick bounced on it and went straight into your face. "Ah!" was the only thing you could say before stumbling backwards over something behind you, making you fall to the ground "Shit! Y/N are you okay?! I'm so" Steve stopped his apology, you were confused at first and then you saw the cause of Steve's reaction, the force of the fall must have done damage to your chest plate and broken it, leaving your bra and chest completely exposed. Steve can't help but stare, blushing a ton. This is perfect! You need to keep playing up and soon you'll crack him.

" hurts..." You groan. Of course you aren't hurt at all but you needed to play up in order to get Steve's attention off your boobs "O-oh um, here let me help" Steve pulls you up carefully. You decide to 'trip' and fall into his chest, looking up at him "I'm so sorry" You say innocently to him. Steve is getting close to his braking point, you can see him starting to sweat under his armour by the look on his face. Steve sits you down somewhere and takes his and yours helmet off, putting them aside.

"I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" Steve says, looking into your eyes "My legs hurt, can you check them?" you say innocently. Everything is going to plan, without your iron leggings, you'll practically be naked in front of him, then he'll have no choice but to confess! "Sure, sure..." Steve said, taking off your iron leggings. He can't help but admire your legs, your basically naked in front of him now, vulnerable and pure. He's trying so hard not to let this turn him on but he's losing the battle "Your legs seem fine to me" Steve said, trying to sound normal "You think they're fine? You're complimenting me? You're so cute" you tease, Steve blushes more "N-No I meant that they look okay, like there's no injuries!" he's gone bright red, you love this reaction "By the way you're blushing I'm pretty sure you were complimenting me, or maybe you're flirting?" you push the teasing further. Steve can't take it anymore so he decides to play your little game and give you a taste of your own medicine.

"Well, you seem to be pretty certain that I'm flirting with you, but you're the one sitting here basically naked, probably just to tease me" he sounded confident saying that. You panic, he's catching onto your plan! What are you going to do?! "Maybe you just did all of this because you just really wanted to rile me up? Or did you want my true colours to show when I'm alone with you and you're in a state like this?" he seems to be getting closer. This isn't good! You're braking down before he did, the tables turned and way too fast for your liking. But this is also good, you have an idea "Maybe I did, what are you going to do about it?" you try to lace confidence in your voice, it's something Steve can't get enough of, it's turning him on so much hearing you say things like that "Well, I'll do this-" Steve suddenly pulls you close to him and kisses you. You're so shocked you feel like you took 5 years to respond before finally kissing back gently. You both share a loving kiss.

After what felt like 7 minutes in heaven, you both pull away, looking deeply into each others eyes "Do you like me?" you say softly, just like how your voice usually is. Steve stakes a second, smiling at you "Of course I do, more than anything else I think I love you too" his goofy smile leaves a lump in you're throat. You hug Steve tightly, trying not to cry "I love you too" hearing your shaky voice say those words filled that lonely void in his heart, it made him feel whole again, no longer a heartless lone fighter, but someones lover.

You stayed hugging for a while before Steve starts giving you kisses, peppering them all over your face. You're confused at first but see he's trying to cheer you up, it gets him the reaction he wants, a smile and a giggle. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Steve says, stopping for a second "Sure, go for it" you reply "Why did you wear nothing under your armour today?" He questions, it really did confuse him at first glance "Well..." you started "I wanted to impress you, I know you liked looking at my body before so I thought I'd supprise you when the armour came off..." You explain, starting to blush "Well you definitely surprised me, I mean if turning me on was the reaction you wanted then it's totally working" he says looking away embarrassed. You were surprised that your body had such a strong influence on Steve, you want to see how far you can really take this.

After a long embarrassing talk that soon turned lighthearted, Steve carried you home, peppering you with kisses, being a goof as usual. When home, Steve takes the rest of his armour off and you head upstairs, taking this to the next level. You strip completely naked, sitting on Steve's bed. It's warm in the room so you don't mind waiting. Steve puts his armour away, wondering if he'll make it back if he ran to get the armour you left at the training ground. Steve was thinking for way too long, by the time he decided the, sun had already set. He sighs and goes to his room. When he sees you on his bed completely bare, all he can do is admire you, completely stopping in his tracks. You smirk to yourself, this is going to be one hell of a night.

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