Chapter 4 - Hi, I'm Steve

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It's dark. You look around and it's pitch back still but you can make out a figure in the distance. You walk towards it "Hello?" they don't turn around so you look for their player name tag for information. It's blank, almost like it's corrupted. "Could you tell me where we are?...please?" your voice grows weak as they slowly turn around. The last glimps you get of them were piercing harsh white eyes before you wake up.

You sit up quickly in a panic and look at your surroundings. It takes a second for everything to sink in but you're in the house you were running from earlier. That's when you remember what happened.

"P/N...?!" you shout wisper but are responded with nothing "Shit..." you get out of the bed you were placed in. You need to get out of here and find P/N before one of you are hurt, or worse, killed. Unfortunately before you could even take a step out of the bed you groan in pain louder than you were expecting. All that running must have gotten to you as well as your infection, it's definitely gotten worse and you know you're ill.

You hear foot steps coming up the stairs and panic. For the first time in your life you're frozen in fear, you just pray to Notch that you aren't in any danger, and that if you are you can get out of it. "Ah, you're awake. I heard you were in pain, if you want me to I can treat any wounds you have?" a man around 6'1, brown hair with stubble on his scarred chin, which complimented his olive brown skin asked hesitantly, his voice deep and gentle. While he spoke you saw he has blue eyes that almost look purple and a very strong looking physique. He wore a cyan shirt with navy blue trousers.

"Who are you? Why am I here?! Let me go!!!" You said, panicking. The man sighed and came into the room properly "Well, I'm Steve, and you're here because I caught you breaking into my home, which is still something you need to explain, but that's for later. Oh, and if you really want to leave you're more than welcome to, but I can promise you that you won't last five minutes out there." he said the last part a little harshly, this situation is probably just as stressful for him as it is for you.

"I'm sorry, I...I'm just on high alert...My name is Y/N (<--- Your Name)..." You sit back onto the bed, already exhausted just from standing there "Well Y/N, do you want me to treat any of your wounds? You don't look well..." Steve said once again "I don't think I have a choice, but one thing before you do, where is my dog? They came here with me..." you said with concern laced in your voice "Oh, I fed them. They're asleep by the furnace warming up. Trust me, they're okay" he smiles a little, clearly appreciating your love for your fluffy companion.

Steve heads back downstairs to get some healing potions and strength potions. While he rummages around down there you give a sigh of relief knowing that you and P/N are safe and you aren't alone, there are more players than you in this world!

As you smile to yourself, Steve comes back up the stairs with some potions "Alright, drink up" he hands you two potions, both a similar reddish-pink glowing colour. You shrug to yourself and gave your first gulp "ACK!!! Th-That's disgusting!!! What the hell is in that?!" Steve laughs "Potions don't have the nicest things in them, sorry but if you want to get better you've got to drink them" you gulp nervously "All of it?" Steve nods and smirks a little, clearly finding your reactions amusing. You sit there for a little while staring into the bottle, you really dislike how it tastes. Steve sighs "How about if I count you down, then you chug it all down?" You think for a second and then nod agreeing "1..." You hold the glass bottle up ready "2" you start to tilt it up a little "3!" you start gulping the nasty liquid down as fast as you can, trying not to think about the taste. Once it's all gone you look away and cough "You're such a drama queen" he laughs a little "Just one more to go" your heart sinks hearing Steve say that.

After taking your "Medicine" Steve says he'll get dinner out soon so the nasty taste is washed away. You are told to stay in bed but you can't leave it even if you wanted to, it's too painful and besides, the potion works best when you're resting, at least that's what Steve told you. You can smell the food Steve is cooking downstairs and GOD does it smell great, your mouth is watering just thinking about it. Now that you think about it, you've never had a decent meal for the whole time you've been in this world, you're curious to how good it'll taste.

After what felt like an eternity, Steve brings up your food "It's mutton, I hope that's okay" he hands its to you "This is perfect, thank you so much for cooking for me" you smile at him "you seem to be acting better already. That potion must have been strong, or are you just happy because I have food for you?" he smiles watching you eat "probably both" you say inbetween mouthfuls.

"Now we know that you won't be dying from anything, do you mind telling me why you broke into my home?" ah yes, the dreaded question. "Well..." you hesitantly started "I had walked a long way to look for food and resources and I came across your home..." you look down, ashamed enough already "Go on." Steve said, waiting to hear the rest "I didn't think anyone was home so I thought if I take a few things then leave, nobody would mind..." You finish your food and hang your head low in shame "A few things being something as valuable as a diamond? I'm sure someone will notice that" Steve says "Buuuut, I'd be lying if I said I was angry" you were shocked at what he said "What do you mean...?" you ask, very confused "It's been years since I've seen someone who's willing to stay, talk and not try to kill and rob me" Steve says, his smile fading "I've been so lonely ever since my friend, Alex...she got lost in the Nether and I haven't seen her since..." The Nether? Alex? Rob and kill? So much was racing through your mind, making it foggy and hard to take in "I'm so sorry to hear that...well, as an apology I'll visit you every day and talk to you, how does that sound?" you offer, trying to get him to smile again. You can't deny it, you love Steve's smile, it's adorable "Visit? Please just stay. You're a new player so I can already imagine the dirt house you're living in. Isn't here nicer?" Steve said, trying not to sound desperate. But he was right, here was better, nicer and certainly cleaner and less "Dirt shack"

You didn't realise until now how lonely this world really is, it makes you wonder about all the other players out there, are they the same as Steve? Lonely and missing someone? You had no idea how cruel this world could truly be, not until Steve said what he did "Okay, I'll stay. You're right, you definitely know a lot more than me, you could teach and show me how to survive just like you have" You smile at him and Steve seems to smile back. This is the beginning of a good friendship.

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