Chapter 6 - Training Day

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When you wake up you feel the sun shining on you from the window, it felt nice. You sit up in your bed and see P/N is not with you, you look forward to see Steve gone too. "Jeez, he could have at least woken me up..." you say sleepy.

You make your way out of bed and look through some chests for food, you don't know your way around just yet so you stumble across chests full of blocks, precious rocks and ores as well as bars of Iron and Gold. The chest next to it was full of tools such as axe' and a few pickaxe' as well. Something that caught your eye was a shiny blue tinted sword, it must be diamond! Moving on your intrests, you go to another chest which luckily had food in. You grab some bread out and eat it while looking for P/N and Steve.

Munching on the bread you decide to walk outside and look around. You look in the crop garden to see if he's there but no, no Steve to be seen. You look around the house and there's still nothing. You start to wonder if he left to go run some errands? I'm sure he would have told you if he would be long so you try not to worry.

You go back inside and look in a few rooms you haven't been in yet. One is an armour room. There's a smaller body of armour next to a larger armour stand which seems to be stripped of its goods. You assume Steve took it or it had yet to be put to use.

You study the smaller body of armour, it looks like it could fit you so you decide to try it on since you have nothing better to do. It was a struggle but you manage to get it on. It feels heavy, but then again it does look like it was made from iron.

The front door opened and it made you jump, Steven was back. You couldn't let him see you like this! What if the armour meant something to him, what if it was cursed and he left it there for a reason?! You're so dead!

You see Steve walk past the door and go straight to his chests, putting some things away. He then goes to the very room your in to put his armour away, by then he's stopped in his stracks and seen you in the amour "Oh, I didn't realise you were that keen on getting ready for training" He smiles. He'd be lying if he said you didn't look cute and flustered in your battle body. "O-Oh yeah! I just really wanted to train" You give the excuse, anything to hide your tracks of snooping around. "Well in that case let's go, we should practice combat and defence today with wooden sticks" he holds back on putting his armour back and leads you outside.

He takes you into the forest, not too deep but deep enough to only see small parts of the house you left from. In the green woods full of fern and wildlife, you see a small training area that you can only assume Steve set up. You see P/N there too, although they're eating what looks to be a deceased sheep. This made you concerned. "Alright, here it is! This is where we'll all be training" Steve said proudly. The area itself had lots of room and a large chest by some targets "All of us?" you question "Well P/N is a wolf, they can defend you in battle like another person could. With the right training P/N can protect you when I'm not around" He explained "Well that's where you two were all morning..." you muttered.

After setting yourself up, Steve practices defence techniques with you, sword blocking, jumping back and he even demonstrates how to used a shield too. After that it's combat. You start off with a stick and Steve puts on different monster masks he made from paper. He didn't draw them very well which makes him look a bit silly but you think it's entertaining. Steve says the reason he has different monster masks is because each monster has a different abilityand you need to know how to defend and attack in the correct manner. The last monster mask Steve puts on is this black one with purple eyes. You, thinking it was any other mob go to attack it, looking Steve, or in the role play, the "monster" fearcly in the eyes. That was a big mistake. Steve quickly throws something that looks like a green shiny rock behind you and he dissapears. You're so confused and let your guard down completely "Wait, how did you- OOF!" you get knocked to the ground from behind. Steve stands above you and gets down, pinning you to the grass, his face getting closer and closer to yours before pulling away and taking the mask off and sitting next to you "You would have died, long and painful story short" he says. You lay there dazed and confused. Obviously you knew you lost as soon as you let your guard down but you never thought that having Steve so close would make your heart beat so quickly. The scenario plays over and over in your head- "Helloooo? World to Y/N, come over Y/N???" Steve says, you completely spaced out. You sit up and blush "S-Sorry, carry on" you say "Well the monster I played as is called an 'Enderman', these monsters are taller than me and are pretty lanky, but don't let that fool you as they're pretty strong, especially compared to you. The Enderman is completely passive to you unless you look it in the eyes, which is the mistake you make. If you even glance at the thing your life is in terrible danger. If you are unarmed and can't defend yourself, don't run but jump into the nearest river or body of water you can find, okay? Water is the one weakness of the Enderman" Steve explained. You nodded. Steve got up and helped you up. You sat on a near by log trying to take the important information in while Steve takes his armour off to cool down. It's been a hot day and he's been doing just as much running around as you. He sits down on the log opposite you and takes his shirt off. He's obviously used to doing it alone so he doesn't take into account that you're there too. Your whole face goes red seeing your friend like this, what's gotten into you?! You can't help but admire his extremely well built body, and all the battle scars he has across his arms, chest and stomach. You're sure if he turned around that he'd have more on his back too. Steve pets P/N for a while before deciding that it's time for you all to get home and rest.

As you arrive back at the home, Steve puts his armour away and helps you take off yours. Being close to him again made you blush but you say it's because you're still hot. After, you both feed P/N and yourselves, talking and relaxing "You know the armour that you wore today, Y/N?" Steve said, his voice becoming softer. You nod "It was Alex's, before she went missing she left her armour here...I don't know why but she didn't take it with her, she was better than me at combat and yet she made a mistake like that...seeing you wearing her armour today, it brought back memories for me...when we used to train together..." He's holding back tears clearly, you feel so bad for him. Him and this Alex girl must have been so close and her going missing like that must have left him lonely and heartbroken. Before Steve could say another word you got up and hugged him. He instantly hugs back and let's a few tears go "Y/N, just promise me something..." Steve said, watery eyed "Of course, anything" You replied "Take care of that armour...not for me but for her..." he said, his voice shaking still slightly from all the high emotion. You agree and comfort him silently.

After another 10 minutes Steve let's go and wipes away any tears he has and smiles slightly "Jeez, I haven't cried like that since forever heh" he says, trying to cheer the both of you up "Hey, it's getting late so maybe we should head to bed?" You say softy with a comforting smile "Bed? Oh no we can't do that yet, we're going to put all of today's training to good used, out there, with them" he points to a window. It's dark out and you see lots of monsters, creepers, zombies and a good few skeletons. In the distance by the trees you see red eyes from spiders. You gulp nervously, this is going to be a loooong night.

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