Chapter 3 - Player 2

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You woke up to P/N licking your face, they noticed you seemed to be sleeping in. This isn't like you at all. You sit up with a groan, your arm hurts like hell, if it wasn't infected yesterday it definitely is now. Unfortunately your meal last night didn't help with its healing.

You got out of bed and sighed, if your wound is infected then it'll only get worse surly, so while you still have the will power to do so, you decide today is the day you look for something that may aid in your healing. You pat P/N on the head before grabbing what useful tools you have and putting them in your inventory.

You step foot out of your dirt shack with your new buddy and start your search for materials that could help heal you. You build your shack relatively close to where you spawned so you were surrounded by thick woodlands as far as the land could generate. You couldn't deny how beautiful everything was as well as frightening at times as you would see wild cattle roaming around and monsters hiding in the shadows, using the trees as a shield from the deadly sun. Despite your fears, you know your new pet will defend you and keep you safe from these threats.

P/N sniffed out some intresting materials while you were admiring your surroundings. They found mushrooms, more monster loot and even fresh water. You were glad you had such a skilled animal to aid you on your journeys, you don't know what you'd do without them. You harvested what you could of the mushrooms and had a drink from the fresh water. While drinking, all you could think about were those two name tags you keep on seeing before you rest. Who could they be from? Are they friendly? Who knows, but what you do know is that you aren't getting any better by over thinking something that could be the result of you being overly tired.

You continued your journey with your fluffy companion, deeper and deeper into the forest you both went, unsure of where it may lead to, dangerous or not you still needed to find more than mushrooms to heal yourself.

After finally travelling so deep into the forest you finally came out the other side, you were greeted by a large empty grassy plain, in the distance you could make out something made with a mix of wood and cobblestone. This grabbed your attention and you made your way towards it. As you got closer it was easy to see that this wasn't any ordinary pile of blocks, this was a house.

"There must be something to help me inside here" you thought to yourself. You looked around the place. There was what looked like a small farm growing crops, the main component being wheat, although it was still growing and it was hard to make out as you weren't an expert farmer yourself. Looking around more, there are a few oak saplings planted around the farm area. They don't just grow on their own so someone must have planted them.

You look around one more time, you knew someone must be here if everything is so well kept and full of life, even P/N seems to be on high alert. Deciding that you probably should take advantage of the loss of absence from whoever lives here, you head inside.

As you enter you we quickly greeted by the smell of meat cooking. Looking around further you see that the stove is alight and definitely cooking something. Next to that stove there's a large chest and a crafting table. This grabs your attention. You instantly start rummaging through the large chest as fast as you can. Inside is food, so much food! Before you even get to grab anything, P/N barks at you. You were so mesmerised that you didn't even notice that there was an upstairs.

You pull yourself away from the chest and make your way up the wooden stairs. You look around and like downstairs, nobody is there. Your surroundings look cozy, well you thought so. It was a bedroom, a singular red bed with another large chest near by. If the last one was full of food, you can't imagine what treasures lie beyond this chest. Before looking inside of course, you smile seeing that P/N has made themselves comfortable on the red bed. "Well we both know that you're getting the blame for disturbing the bed" you tease. P/N only wags it's tail, watching you speak with a smile on your face.

Giving your companion a pat on the head, you start to rummage through the large chest. It's full of armour and what seems to be minerals, coal, iron and this dusty red stuff, maybe its important? Amongst the other things there is also something very beautiful, shiny and blue. "Is that a diamond?" you said out loud in shock.

You hold the diamond tightly in your hands as you hear the door downstairs open, then heavy footsteps inviting themselves into the home. P/N is instantly alerted and gets off the bed, making its way behind you, as if it was scared. You don't know what to do, whoevers home you're both in has returned.

You slowly get up and hide behind the large chest you were just looking through, diamond still in hand. You hear humming from the unknown person downstairs. Their voice is deep and almost soothing, but it also intimidates you immensely. You panic to yourself, 64 thoughts running through your head, not sure what to do or how to escape this situation.

You hear the unknown person downstairs walk around a little and do tasks you could only describe with your imagination. The door downstairs soon opens again but doesn't close.

This is your chance to escape!

You and P/N peek downstairs, making sure the cost is clear before making a run for it. You sneak down the stairs, P/N following behind you.

Nothing. The cost is clear.

You instantly make a run for it out the door, not thinking for a second about the consequences your outrageous decision may bring.

"HEY!" a strong voice shouts, rupturing fear throughout your entire body, but this just makes you run faster. Only one problem, they're now running after you.

You were sprinting across the plain fields you walked across calmly only 30 minutes ago, sun was setting and you had a stranger chasing after you. P/N was in front of you, guiding you towards the forest. Your hunger as well as your health was low, you didn't know how much longer you had left. That strong will you had spawned with 2 days ago has left you quicker than you thought.

You slowly stopped and fell to your knees in exhaustion, you could vaguely see P/N running back to you, seeing you had fallen down, and you could hear but not see the stranger finally catching up to you.

The last thing you remember before passing out is being gently picked up by this stranger, and hearing the soft sounds of the grass under their feet as they carry you towards the house you were so quick to get out of.

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