Chapter 2 - A Man's Best Friend

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You wake up to the sound of animals near by like before, but unfortunately your awakening was also accompanied by your wound aching and hurting. This worried you because you thought it might have somehow been infected, after all you do live in a dirt shack.

You rolled out of bed and made your way outside your dirty home and went for a morning stroll, picking up things monsters had dropped throughout the night. While on your little scavenger hunt you remembered the name tags you saw last night, this got you thinking, maybe you weren't alone? Perhaps there may be other people out here that could help you? Or the fumes from your dirt house mixed with the adrenaline you got from last nights fight was making you see things. On the topic of houses, you needed to collect more wood to build a proper and probably more safer home than the one you're in.

Just as you were organising your inventory and putting your findings into order, you hear barking in the distance. At first you panic slightly, what if it was a pack of hungry and angry wolves looking for their next meal? Or worse, a werewolf! As your active imagination was getting the better of you, you didn't stop to realise that the barking got closer, so close that the suspect behind the noises was right next to you. It was a wolf.

"Nice wolfie" you say nervously. It was sniffing around your back pack (inventory) curiously. You didn't have any food in there so you were confused as to what it wanted. You sit down and look through your inventory. "Ah-hah!" you said. The bones from the skeleton who attacked you were in your inventory, that's what the wolf was smelling!

You take the bones out your inventory and hold them in front of the wolf to take. It doesn't take long before the animal takes it, sits down and naws on it happily. It wags its tail and enjoys what you gave it.

You sit there and watch it, thinking to yourself "That must be really delicious to that wolf, I wonder if there's any food near by for me?". As you picture delicious hot food straight out of the furnace, you begin to hear a not so familiar sound coming from you gut. You definitely were hungry. The wolf instantly picked up on this, like it was familiar with the sound of hunger. It dropped it's bone beside you, which startled you at first, and then ran off somewhere. This made you curious as to what the animal ran off to do, maybe it heard something? You weren't sure, not until you heard the sound of what sounded like a distressed chicken. The wolf was hunting, but not for itself as it came back and dropped the dead animal onto your lap.

The wolf sat down and wagged its tail. By the looks of things it seemed to have given you thanks for letting it have the bone, but the thanks was treating you to an unusual meal, but you weren't complaining. This type of behaviour is completely uncommon in wolves let alone wild animals. You placed the meat in your inventory and held your hand out to the wolf. This was extremely dangerous but you wanted to test something.

As you held your hand out the wolf sniffed it and took in your sent, properly this time. It stepped closer and you took this opportunity to gently pet it. The wolf flinched at first but soon got used to the feeling, supprisingly enjoying it. "Yep, definitely tame" you said out loud to yourself. You continued to pet your new animal companion and play with it for hours. You really felt like you had a bond with it, so you decided to bring it home with you just before the sun started setting. Sure you did forget to make developments to your home again but you did something much more fun today, you made a new friend.

Once home you let your wolf- well more like dog now, chew on a bone while you cooked dinner up. "What will I name you, Hm... Something cute, but also strong and heroic too... Ah-hah! I'll call you (Insert pet name)!" you said happily. Your dog seemed pleased about it too.

Soon your food was done and you couldn't wait to finally tuck in! Eating something finally was amazing, you hope it helps the healing of your arm better as well since it wasn't doing too well on an empty stomach.

After eating, you settled down into your bed, and P/N (<-- Pet name) laid down at the end of your bed, adding extra warmth to the wool sheets. Slowly closing your eyes once again to sleep, you faintly see two player name tags once again, this time you could have sworn they were closer.

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