Chapter 11 - The Morning After

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You wake up to the feeling of being cuddled, of course by the sound of the soft snoring behind you, it didn't take you too long to remember who it was. Steve had his arm around you pulling you rather close to him as you both slept, it was nice.

Suddenly you remembered what you and Steve did last night. You, Y/N L/N has sex with Steve! Finally after all this time of waiting you finally did it! You smile to yourself and giggle a little, feeling like the happiest player to have ever spawned and mined on this world.

As the sun rised higher into the sky you slowly try to worm your way out of the bed and away from the very sleepy Steve who currently seems to have an iron grip onto you, refusing to let you go. You were trying to wiggle your way out his grip more and more and this must have woken him up, since he replied to your actions with a "Nooooooo.... Stay, just 5 more minutes..." followed by him pulling you into him again. His actions made you blush a little since neither of you put your clothes back on after sex last night, you both fell asleep in all your glory.

"Damnit Steve, come on we still have training today" You said, although that meant nothing to the tired man behind you as he just groaned and clinged to you more. You sigh and try to get him off you, but he wouldn't budge. You always do forget how strong Steve is.

After 5 minutes of struggling to get your boyfriend to let go of you, he finally chuckles to himself and let's you go, getting up and finding his clothes "Finally, you were just teasing me for the sake of it" you say. Steve smiled at you "I can't help it, you're just so cute when I tease you" Steve replied, making you blush slightly.

After getting dressed the both of you headed downstairs to prepare for the day ahead, although today Steve was looking through one of his chests and pondering to himself "What's the matter?" You asked, curiously "I'm running low on iron and coal, I think I need to go mining..." Steve scratched his head, still thinking "Can I come?" you perked up at the thought of an adventure with your new boyfriend, fighting monsters, finding treasure and all while putting your combat training to good use " I don't know Y/N, caves can be pretty dangerous for a newbie..." Steve said and turned to you, looking a little concerned "But I'll be with you, so I'll be safe" you reassured him.

Steve really wasn't sure if he should let you join him or not. In one hand you'll get new and good experiences first hand from being in a cave as well as a new hostile environment, but in the other hand he needs to look for resources and his full attention won't be on you which can be dangerous for the both of you. Steve sighed "I don't think it's smart if I take you with me today, maybe another time. For now, just study about the ores you can find and what uses they have, okay?" Steve continued to look through different chests, preparing himself for the journey ahead. You were dissaponted, you wanted to have an adventure with Steve, but now you have to sit at home and read about stuff, what crap!

Steve left around noon to go mining and left you some books to read and study. You were already bored. Sure you appreciate Steve's help and advice but you also like taking learning head on and not from a book written by someone who is probably dead by now. You got up and went to play with P/N outside for a while since it was a nice day, why waste it by reading inside? You had lots of fun, playing fetch, teaching tricks and even exploring the forest a little, all with your little companion. You definitely didn't need Steve all the time to have fun, although you did miss him.

P/N and you got tired after a while of play and a small adventure, so you and them rested for a little while, a small break if you will. P/N napped during this rest and you couldn't help but pet them happily, although something out the corner of your eye caught your attention. A name tag, too far away to see. It looked like the one you saw when you fall asleep at night. At first you assumed it was Steve returning but as you focused your eyes on the name tag it was blank, no way was it Steve. Could it be an intruder? A new enemy? Or perhaps another lost player? Whatever it was you were determined to find out.

You left P/N to rest and went inside and grabbed your sword from the armour stand. You then made your way towards the name tag. It was far away so you quietly thought about who or what it could be. Maybe it was Alex coming back? Maybe she found a way home but something happened to her along the way and she needed your help? What if it really was Steve but he's so far away that his name tag is bugging out? Or what if it really was another player in need of guidance? Whatever it was, you felt like you were ready to face it head on.

As you approached the name tag closer you saw it went into a cave maybe it really was Steve and something was just bugging out? Whatever, you're too far in to turn back now. As you make your way into the cave you see flowers growing from the cobble stone 'strange...' you thought to yourself, usually you see mushrooms inside a cave, never flowers. As you plunged deeper into the cave, something felt off, you felt ill and nervous approaching the name tag. You could see that it still wasn't showing you who it was which made you more nervous.

Turning corners sharply and following the torches laid out by this stranger, you started to hearing sounds, scary sounds. You remember Steve saying that hearing these are normal, calling them "Cave sounds" and that they're nothing to be scared of, although you think much different.

"Hello?! I saw your player tag and was wondering if you needed any help?!" you should into the cave, only to be responded by your own echoes. It was eerie not getting a different response, scary even, but yet you pressed forward. Along the way you found bat's resting in a darker area, you thought they were cute but unfortunately had no time or chance to admire them so you pressed forth.

Finally getting to a darker spot you notice a pickaxe on the floor, a simple stone one. It was very worn, making you think maybe a player dropped it or perhaps Steve forgot it at one point? Either way you picked it up for protection, it was better than nothing. "Hello? Please I'm only here to help you!" you called once more, but this time only to be responded with blocks being broken, specifically stone blocks. This must be the player! Although strange how they didn't respond to you, maybe they were scared?

You continued to follow the sounds of the stone, finally finding the source of them "Damnit Steve, I thought you were another player!" it was Steve, facing away and seemed to be starting to strip mine. He doesn't respond "I'm sorry, you're probably really mad, I'll just go over there and get some stone, learning like you wanted me to" you mention hesitantly, hoping you haven't upset the man. Once again, no response. You accepted that Steve was probably mad so you went over to a near by corner and started to mine too.

This was your first time mining so you didn't really know what you were looking for, so you just got some stone.

From a long distance away you hear sprinting and yelling, it sounded like Steve 'Impossible' you thought to yourself, 'he's right here with me, maybe this is another player coming down here?' whatever it was it was getting closer and louder

"Y/N!!! Are you okay?!" it was Steve. "Then the person who I saw was-" before you could finish your sentence you were shoved onto the ground and pinned down harshly by a man. This man was the same one you saw in your dreams. He was exactly the same as Steve, except from his eyes, they were piercing white, just looking at them felt like he was taking your soul. Now that the man was much closer you could finally see his name tag.

"Y/N!!! Get away from him!!!" Steve had finally gotten to you, a big relief. The man who has you underneath him says nothing and expresses no fear either, he simply just stares you dead in the eyes

"I've been looking for you, Y/N. And finally we meet" says the man. You're confused and scared, the only thing you can bring yourself to do is to take a glimpse at his name tag.

It read, Herobrine.

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