Chapter 8 - Puppy Love

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You sit there silently, still in slight shock of what happened. If you're feeling like this, what's Steve feeling? You feel bad that you put him though that but you needed your wound seen to and Steve was the only one who could do it.

You started to wonder what he thought of your body, did he think it's attractive? Did he like it? You yourself don't really care what you physically look like as long as you're strong enough to take care of yourself. But what other people and especially Steve think of you? That means a lot. You sigh to yourself and look at P/N "Damnit, these feelings are getting worse, what do I do?" you say quietly. P/N barks at you, wagging it's tail. If only you could understand wolf.

You decide to get up and go for a walk, you let Steve know where you're going before heading off. Little conversation was made, that could be because he was working or because he's still embarrassed. You hope it's the first option.

You continue on with your walk, going into the forest but not too deep. You took P/N with you because you know there's a stream near by and you wanted to have a little cool down in the water with P/N. Approaching the water you see that it has a gentle flow, not to harsh at all so its perfect to swim in. Since it's only you and P/N you strip till you're only in your underwear and bra then hop in. P/N throws themselves in, splashing you in the process. You laughed and smiled as they paddled towards you. You and P/N played fetch with stones. You'd throw one into the forest and they'd come running back with it and jump into the water with you, their tail wagging like crazy.

You decide that this time you'll throw a light stick to see how far it goes. By the looks of it, P/N has ran far off to get it. You wait patiently for it to come back. You start regretting throwing it so far away since you're all alone now, you feel like you're being watched. You move around in the water to get different angles of the trees, seeing if anyone is hiding behind them. You could have sworn you saw an arm move behind a tree further away- "Hey, can I join you?" you jump out of your skin to see that Steve is behind you, standing just a bit away from the stream. Before you could reply P/N comes running back with the stick, throwing themselves in again and splashing you and soaking Steve "Well you're wet now, you might as well" you say.

Steve gets unchanged and you can't help but admire his body again, all those scars and marks on his sun-kissed skin will never fail to be beautiful to you. Steve stripped down to his boxers which he kept on before getting into the water with you both "Sorry to intrude but I got really hot while farming and I heard you laughing and splashing about and well, I got jealous you were having a good time without me" he smiles a little, feeling silly now he said it out loud "Well I was starting to miss you anyways so that jealousy brought you to the right place" you said, smiling at Steve

For most of the time you were there, the both of you just relaxed and played with P/N, but of course talking and glancing at one another's body's when one of you were distracted. You both decided to go further down stream since the sun was shining on you where you were before. More down stream the current was getting faster and stronger. You decide to hold onto Steve's arm to make sure you don't get dragged off, and of course it worked but you forgot that it's slippery too and you fall under. You panic and almost pull Steve down with you but luckily he's a quick thinker and picks you up bride style and regains his balance "Woah, you okay? Steve asked, worried "Yeah I-I'm cool" you said. Of course you aren't you could have died! You still feel like you're dying, being this close to Steve is making your heart pound.

The water is really starting to get stronger so Steve gets out the water with you. P/N got out a while ago to nap and dry off so at least they were safe. Steve sits down on the side of the stream with you and sighs "Sorry we had to get out, I just didn't want to risk you getting swept off to sea" he said, laughing a little "Yeah, you're right. I had no clue the water could just knock me off my feet like that" you said "Good job I was there to save you then" Steve said proudly, smiling more confidently now "Uh-huh, my Knight in shining armour" you laughed slight and so did Steve. He blushed a little too hearing you say that, it brought a sense of pride to himself knowing you see him as someone who you can count on to be saved by.

As time went by the sun was starting to set ever so slowly so you both had to be ready to leave soon. It was getting cold and the both of you were still in your undergarments, so Steve put an arm around you to keep you warm and you unintentionally hugged onto him. He was warm and comforting to you, almost like a bear, capable of being dangerous but more so of protecting what's his. Not that he owns you or anything, but sometimes you wish he did.

"Hey, maybe we should head back now? I have some mushrooms back at the base so you can help me make mushroom soup if you'd like?" Steve said, blushing and looking away again. P/N ran over and barked happily, clearly wanting in on the food, this made you smile "Well I guess I have no choice now" you smile brightly, that smile was contagious to Steve.

With that said you both picked up your clothes and got changed before going home. Steve got the ingredients prepared and showed you how to make the soup. He did a demonstration first and then you followed. It was fun following the steps, Steve always makes them sound so simple, sometimes that's a bad thing but when trying to make something as easy as mushroom soup, it gives you a real confidence boost

After a little while of waiting for things to heat up, the soup was done and ready to be eaten. You both even chipped in and made one for P/N too. You both decide that you want to eat it in the bedroom so you both head upstairs and sit on the woollen rug that was crafted by Steve long ago.

"So, about yesterday..." of course Steve had to bring this up now, what a good mood brought down "What about it?" you said, trying to eat your soup and pay less attention to the conversation at hand "I wasn't looking intentionally, but...I think you look really... Damnit nevermind..." Steve said, cutting his sentence short. You love this man, you really do but when he does things like this to put you in suspense it kills you inside! "No I want to know, you think I'm what?" you say, looking up from your food and looking at the flustered man in front of you "I-It doesn't matter just eat your soup" Steve said, quickly finishing his off. Unfortunately for you, you can't eat with this feeling of excitement and dread filling up your stomach, so you put your bowl down and sit up more "Come on, tell meeee!" you say, pleading "Y/N it's nothing, come on just drop it" Steve blushes more towards the end of his sentence. You decide to use your cuteness power over him in this situation. You move closer, a lot closer and hug onto him while looking up at him "Pleeeeeease" you beg, giving him that sweet smile that gets him every time. Steve sighs and finally gives in "I thought you looked really beautiful and just there with your shirt out of the picture in front of me, I-I...I felt like I was going to lose myself, it was so difficult to focus on the task at hand because...b-because" his voice is getting shaky and he was blushing more than you've ever seen "Okay I think it's time for bed!" he gets up abruptly which makes you accident let go. 'Damnit, he got away!!!' you though.

Steve takes your bowls downstairs to clean them and see to P/N. You think deeply while getting ready for bed. Steve is aggressively washing up, he can't believe he let everything slip out like that! He's frustrated and embarrassed. He wants to show you how he really feels but he's scared to. He's scared to show you his real feelings because it's not something he can just beat up like a monster and be done with it, it's a fear he needs to face calmly and he knows he can't do that.

After what felt like forever waiting, Steve comes up the stairs with P/N. He throws himself into bed. Its clear by his body language that he's frustrated. P/N runs over to you and lays on your bed as you get cozy. "Night, Y/N..." grumbled Steve "Goodnight" you reply back in a slightly cheery tone. Tomorrow is a big mission to get Steve to finish his sentence, you won't rest properly until you know exactly how he feels about you.

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