Chapter 7 - Night Fight

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You looked back at Steve, nervous "You're coming with me, right?" you say, worried "Of course I am, you think I'm going to leave a player as unexperienced as you alone out there with them?" he smiles and pats your back "You'll do great, just call for me if you need help" he winks at you. You nod and look away quickly to hide your blush. You don't understand what's gotten into you and your emotions, does Steve usual make people feel like this?

Steve gets some armour on, but this time not the classic iron armour he had before. He wore full diamond armour, accompanied by a matching shiny sword. It looked so beautiful, it's so well crafted and it doesn't have a scratch on it "I don't have enough diamonds to craft you a full set like this, but I'm working on it. For now you'll have to put up with Iron armour" he said, raking through his chests for some food. You sigh, you really wanted to try that armour on, it looked amazing after all, and yet you're stuck with the plain old iron, what a pain.

Soon the both of you were kitted up and ready to go. P/N even had a little protective leather on them. As soon as that door opened and Steve ran out to fight, you knew this was serious.

Steve was slashing away at zombies and keeping his distance from creepers, the way he was moving was something of a pro. As you hesitantly walked out with P/N, not sure where to start, a zombie grabbed you by the arm, groaning miserably at you and ready to attack, luckily so was P/N, biting the zombies leg viciously enough for it to instantly let go of you. You take this fine opportunity to slay the zombie, drawing your sword (which was a lot heavier than the sticks you trained with) you slash at the zombie 3-4 time before it poofed into smoke and dropped its remaining loot. You were so happy, but you can't let your guard down. Next was a skeleton, P/N seemed to run straight to it after biting the zombie, probably because it wanted a bone. P/N was biting at the legs of the skeleton, damaging the bones. You ran over to start slashing but unfortunately got shot on the chest area. It hurt like a bitch but you can't let it shoot again, so with adrenaline pulsing through your body, you let the real warrior in your soul take control.

Steve looked over since he had cleared most monsters in his area. He watched you swing your sword and fight like you had something to fight for. He enjoyed watching your quick actions and movements. As a pretty tall and muscular guy it's hard to move as swiftly as you do, so he tries to take note on your foot work and tries it out for himself.

While Steve is still fighting and practising his swiftness, you spot a lone Enderman in the distance. He hasn't seen you yet so you slowly make your way over, not looking at all. P/N seemed too scared to go with you so it ran back to Steve. You stand behind the Enderman, he really is tall, taller than you imagined. Steve was right, they are peaceful creatures as long as you don't look at them "H̴̤̀u̷̒͜m̷̛͓a̵̜͝n̷̪̽.̷̞̅.̶͉̊.̴̦̎ ̵͍̄" said the dark creature. You were shocked, you didn't think it could talk "Â̸̡r̵̬̀ë̶̘́ ̴̧͘ŷ̵͔ò̶̩ú̴͜ ̸̩̎ḩ̵̊e̷͇̔r̷͈͝ȅ̸̤ ̵̡͝t̵͈̉o̶̞̓ ̶̬̕f̴̪͆ȋ̴͕g̷͓̚h̸͌͜t̷̟̎?̵̪̇ ̵̯̓" it's hard to make out what he said but you did hear the word 'fight' "No, no fighting" you quickly respond "T̸̗͊h̶͝ͅẹ̷̈n̴͓̒ ̵̢͆w̶̝̃h̷̬̀y̸̲͑ ̵̮̃d̸͇͝o̶̫͒ ̴̝́y̴͙̑o̴̪͐u̸̞̔ ̵̞̎ḓ̶̽i̴̽͜ṣ̶̽t̶̯̾u̸̧͊r̷̞͗b̵̨̚ ̸̙̑m̵̠̽e̸̱̐?̸͉̿ ̸̪̑" he says, looking down at you. You panic and look down at the floor more "I-I thought you looked lonely..." you stutter nervously "Ị̷͊ ̴̬̏ā̸̰m̶̱̐.̵̯̎ ̷̗͋I̵̦̕'̶̨̊m̷̙̍ ̵͕͐s̷͗͜u̸̐ͅr̷̘̈p̵̖͛r̵͚̀į̵͑s̴͈͛e̷͔̎d̸̀͜ ̴̻̌h̵̞̏u̷͓̓m̶̯̃a̶͜͝n̵͈̂s̷̨̔ ̷̱̕a̵͖̍r̸̬͝ę̵̂ ̴͈͒c̴̹̔a̸͖͋p̵̠̒a̵͍͋b̶͙̀l̶͇͝è̸͖ ̵͍́ǒ̸̤ḟ̶̯ ̴̤̎u̸͙̾n̶̝̋d̶̠̔e̷̛̮r̷̪̽s̸̓͜t̶͍͂a̸̢̋n̸̞̈́d̴̛͔i̶̼̅ň̵̩g̷̲̍ ̶̱̾ḣ̵ͅỏ̸͚w̵̥̿ ̵̡́I̷̻͂ ̷̮̓f̷̡͊ẽ̵͚e̴͕͑l̸̮̔.̸̩͝.̸͎̀.̷̠̿ ̵̦͂" He says, a monotonous voice echoing in your ears. You aren't sure what to do at all so you just sit with him silently. No more words are exchanged after that. It's just silence. The atmosphere is thick, he knows you're scared but he doesn't know how to tell you he won't hurt you You're the first human that has ever shown his species kindnesses.

The Enderman looks up and sees the sun begging to rise " ̶̜͋I m̴̹̕u̴̪̓ṡ̵̥ẗ̴̼́ ̵̱̉l̵̤͆e̸͈̒ả̵̜v̸̠́e̸̹̒ ̷͍̄n̵̜̽ỏ̶̲ẉ̷̓ ̷͓̀ȟ̵̹u̴̢̅m̷̠̉ḁ̶̅n̷͚͐,̷̱̒ ̶̭̀t̷̻̂h̶͆ͅa̷̲̒n̷̠̕k̶̼͝ ̴͓͠y̶̞̋o̴̜͆u̵͙̍ ̶͓̐f̷̨́ǫ̷͠r̷͈̎ ̶̤̉t̸̞̚h̷̖̒ẽ̸̫ ̷̧̛c̶͚̃o̶̪̾m̸̪̅p̵̥̌a̶̻͝n̵̼͋y̴̰͒.̸̫̈́ ̵͙́" and with that he disappears, leaving behind purple sparkles. You get up and look behind you, Steve was watching the whole time and so was P/N. Steve looks shocked.

Steve grabbed you, rather harshly, and takes you inside. He takes your armour off and checks you for any wounds. The only one you do have is where you where shot and the red mark from where Steve had grabbed you. He starts patching up your wound while talking to you "Where you talking to that Enderman?" he queries "A little, yeah...I'm sorry, was that bad?" you say, worried "Well, it wouldn't be my first option when I see an Enderman, but I'm just glad you didn't get hurt" he says. Since your wound was on your chest, Steve has to remove your shirt in order to bandage you up. As he starts to take your shirt off and you instantly pull it back down, Steve looks confused "What?" he says, pulling a confused face "Y-you can't just do that!" you yell, embarrassed and blushing Red "Why? It's just a wound" he says. Steve may be a trained survivalist, but God is he thick sometimes "Because I'm a girl! You'll see my...y-you know!" that's when the penny dropped and Steve blushes bright pink "Shit I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking- I really am sorry!" he's really embarrassed that he made such a stupid mistake "At least ask first..." you look away, blushing and slightly annoyed "W-Well...can...can I take off your shirt? T-To clean your wound I mean" Steve stutters, a blushing mess. You think for a moment, in one hand you need to have that wound cleaned or you'll end up like you were back on your first day here, but in the other hand, he's a man, you're a woman, this is way too embarrassing! You sigh to yourself and nod "Yes, yes you can..." you say, still looking away. Steve gently takes your shirt off and tries his best to focus on the wound and not your boobs. It's been God knows how long since he's seen this much of a woman so it's tempting to just stare, but you're his friend, he won't perv on you because you mean more than that to him, so right now he has to focus on the wound.

You sit there shirtless in your bra while Steve rummages around in some chests to find the right things. As he comes back he cleans the wound Feeling his rough hands near your precious chest is making you feel hot, it's the first time you've felt something like this and it's getting too much to handle already. He then goes and drops an few small splashes of a healing potion on it. It felt cold and strange since his hands where still nearby, his warm hands.

"Okay, I'm done now. Thanks for letting me help you" he says while putting things away. You quickly put your shirt back on, blushing still. "W-Well thank you for treating me" You say. Steve seems very flustered and it's the first time you've ever seen him like this, it's probably the second cutest thing you've ever seen (P/N is the cutest).

It's officially bright outside now so Steve just tends to his farm. He needs some fresh air after what's happened. You sit in the bedroom day dreaming, you can still feel Steve's hands by your chest. You can't get it out of your mind. You're starting to worry that your feelings are deeper than you realise for your best friend, Steve.

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