Chapter 10 - A Long Night

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There is lemon (Sexual scenes) in this chapter! If you do not like this then please forward on to the next chapter. This chapter does not hold any lore for the story, the next chapter will go on as the morning after the intamacy between you and Steve. Thank you.

You sat there on Steve's bed, naked and proud to show him more of your body. Steve on the other hand was completely shocked, blushing and getting harder by the second. "I was thinking we could have a little fun, if you're up for it?" you say in a slow calming voice. Steve just blushes more hearing that. "Y/N, are you sure you know what you're getting yourself into?" Steve says, his voice just as gentle as yours but with a hint of worry and lust. He takes a few slow steps closer. "I know exactly what I'm getting myself into, why else do you think I'm here?~" You reply back. You know each word you say is turning Steve on more and more and it's really starting to show. He's blushing, sweating a little and the best advancement was in his pants. A now very visible tent was starting to show through his jeans, just looking at it made you exited.

Suddenly Steve moves faster than a baby zombie and pins you to the bed, leaning over you dominantly. This completely catches you off guard and makes you remember how quick and strong Steve actually is. "If you know what you're getting into, I guess I'll start then~" Steve said, replying to your earlier comment.

Keeping you pinned with your arms above your head and only using one hand, Steve starts to kiss you passionately. Your tongues danced in the kiss, it all came to you naturally as you've never kissed like this before. Steve takes his time claiming your mouth as his, taking in every detail it had to offer. What he loved the most was the taste of your sweet mouth now being his, saliva mixed together to mark you and remind you that you were his.

Steve then moved to your jaw, kissing it gently down to your neck. You can't lie, it did tickle slightly because of his stubble, but you liked that. The kissing got more rough by your neck though which had you at a little concerned "Steve, you're being too rough, you'll leave a mark" you said softly to him, he smirked "That's the point, God you're innocent~" Steve replied. You blushed at the sound of his voice, it was different, more deep and really hot, thinking about it makes you wetter.

As the kissing continues, you start to feel your neck get more sensitive to Steve's kisses, sometimes letting a "mm~" or a "Ngh~" slip whenever Steve kissed in certain areas. "Steve, what are you do- A-Ah~" was all you could get out before Steve kissed a very specific spot on your neck, it felt so good. He then attacked that spot with kisses and gentle bites. That's definitely going to leave a mark.

After marking your sweet spot, Steve kissed down a little more to your chest. He kisses one of your breasts and massaged the other in his hand, his tongue rubbing against your nipple, adding to your pleasurable built up. Steve seemed to have taken an interest for your boobs quite early in your friendship, so he's having a field day with you now. After a little while, Steve swaps to your other breast, giving your sensitive bud the same treatment as its twin. The stimulation to such a sensitive area had you moaning already, it was music to Steve's ears.

Steve pulled away eventually, getting bored of your beasts and wanting to explore what else you can offer him. As he moves away you sit up hesitently, the man no longer pinning you down. As you sat up you saw Steve taking his jeans and boxers off, revealing his painfully hard cock to you. You sat there in shock and lust. Steve was an average length for a man of his height and age, but GOD was he girthy.

Steve smirked seeing you staring "Enjoying the view, Y/N?~" he said, in a deep tone. It made you tear away your gaze from Steve's cock and now to his lustfully hazy eyes "Y-you're huge..." you respond in shock. Steve seemed pleased by you compliment to his member, it adding to his confidence "Well, if you're so mesmerised by it, why not come closer?" Steve suggested to you. You were hesitent at first but you gladly got down to cock level and got a closer look. Steve smiled realising again that you don't know what to do, so he takes your hand and gently guides it to his cock, letting you stroke it gently. You can already see by Steve's facial expressions that this feels really good to him.

Steve let's go of your hand and let's you stroke him by yourself. It's easy to get the hang of so just not long before you're speeding up, looking up at him to admire his pleasured facial expressions. As you got more confident you'd let your spare hand play with his balls gently too, this definitely gets a reaction from him "O-oh fuck~" Is all that Steve can manage to get out. As you continue, an unfamiliar white substance starts to leak from Steve's member. You're curious as to what this is so you stop and gently play with the tip of his cock where the white substance is coming from. This sends waves of pleasure through Steve, making him throw his head back in pleasure "Fuck~ Don't tease me~" Steve almost growls, his voice getting deeper as well as his deep breaths. This makes you feel confident so you go back to stroking Steve, but this time much faster. Of course this sends Steve over the edge, causing him to feel a burst of pleasure and experience his ejaculation.

You were shocked, being in front of Steve while he did this got his cum all over your chest and face too. It was a strange sight for you but when Steve came down from his high and saw what he did, it gets him rock hard again almost instantly. "I think we've done enough foreplay, don't you? I think we should get to the real deal" Steve says. Your cunt is dripping wet, it wants- no it NEEDS Steve. It doesn't take long for you to be under him again, but this time your throbbing pussy against his cock. Steve looks at you dead in the eyes, holding a now much softer gaze "Are you ready? There's no turning back after this- u-unless you feel uncomfortable half way through, I'll understand" Steve stutters, braking his gaze with you and blushing deeply. This makes you smile and cup Steve's cheek gently "I'm ready" you say softly.

Steve takes a moment slowly enter you, just admiring your facial expression. You feel slight discomfort as he enters you, but not pain. This gives Steve the go ahead green lights and he slowly starts thrusting, gently in and out in a slow rhythm, your hips dancing passionately and slowly, as if you were dancing on glass in fear that it brakes. Fragility between you two, Steve in fear that he could hurt you at any moment. Luckily you weren't too far in so you take a moment to reassure him that every will be okay and he won't hurt you. After the reassurance, Steve picks up the pace, speeding up and starting to hit all those good spots.

"Ahh~ Steve~ m-mm~" You moan out softy as Steve focuses his thrusts into certain areas, trying to hit all those feel good areas inside you. All while doing this you take the time to realise how close you two are. Your bare naked bodies against each other, skin on skin, both in ecstasy together. This is everything you could have dreamed of and more with Steve. Doing this not only fills you with pleasure, but also love. Knowing you're both doing this because you love each other makes the situation even more steamy for you.

Snapping back to reality, Steve's thrusts were much faster and harder than before, he's pounding into you by now. He really meant what he said when he told you 'There's no turning back from this'. You can't help but moan and call out to Steve in bliss as he fucks you fast and hard, holding your body close to him as you hear him mutter dirty talk to you.

You start to feel an unfamiliar knot getting tighter and tighter in your pussy, Steve's thrusts feeling more stimulating than usual. Steve notices you tightening around him too, he knows you're about to cum. Just having that thought in his mind 'He's going to make you cum' turns him on enough to give him one last boost of arousal to piston his hips harder into you. This quickly draws out your orgasm, causing you to feel waves of pleasure pulsating through your cunt as you almost scream out Steve's name in ecstasy and bliss as you tighten around him for the last time. You call out his name and tighten around him so much causes Steve to ejaculat again, pulling out and cumming all over your stomach and reaching your breasts slightly.

Steve flops down next to you, the both of you panting and coming down from your high. "That was fucking amazing..." Steve mutters to you, smiling "It was fucking amazing" you reply, smiling back at your goof of a boyfriend. You both share a soft laugh before he pulls you into him, spooning you closely and holding onto you. You feel warm, safe and loved like this, like no monster in the whole of your world could hurt you.

The last thing you hear before you fall asleep for that evening was the soft voice of Steve, saying "I love you, Y/N..."

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