Chapter 5 - Making It Up To Steve

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So, it's been decided. You're staying with Steve. After the conversation you had he left to go back downstairs to brew new potions since you drank the ones he gave you previously, so you were left all alone. Since you've eaten and have some strength back, you want to see P/N, you've missed them.

You get out of bed and slowly make your way down the oak wood stairs of Steve's home. They're longer than you remembered. Coming to the bottom of the stairs you see P/N happily sleeping by the heated furnace like Steve said. You pass Steve and sit down by the furnace next to P/N. You can see why they like it down here, it really is toasty.

As P/N sleeps you gently run your hand through its white fur, petting it as it slept. Before meeting Steve, P/N was the only company you had, it was just you and them against the world. Being close to P/N and petting them in such a vulnerable state brings great comfort to you.

"You really are close to that wolf, huh? Steve said while getting blaze rods out of his large wooden chest without looking at you."Well before I met you, P/N was all I had. They didn't have a pack near by so they were just like me, lost and alone just trying to survive" you explained "Ah, I see. I had a wolf once, I'd go hunting with it and everything, we were the living embodiment of the saying 'Dog is man's best friend'. Seeing you and your wolf so close like that reminds me of those days" Steve says, smiling to himself, clearly looking back on good memories he has. "I didn't know such an intimidating guy could be such a soft animal lover" you laugh a little to yourself "You'd be supprised" Steve replies

Steve finishes making his potions before putting them back in the correct chest. He then looks through another and gets something shiny out of it and hands it to you "If you're going to be staying here with me you have to pull your own weight around here too, and by that I just mean help me out with a few things each day, okay? In return I'll teach you how to fight and fend for yourself" Steve says. That sounds like a reasonable deal to you, after all he probably does a lot anyways, helping him out would benefit the both of you. "Sure, but one question...what is this tool you gave me? Is it a type of sword?!" you sit up excitedly and swing the tool he gave you around "Ah- uh no no it's a hoe, you know, a gardening tool?" he says, supprised you didn't recognise the piece of silver equipment "A what?" you reply completely confused. Steve sighs and takes you outside.

Steve takes you round the house to a garden full of crops, wheat, carrots and you can just make out some pumpkin seeds too. For doing this all by himself Steve is an expert farmer clearly "Okay, farming 101. The tool you're holding is not a sword, it's a hoe. This is used like this" Steve walks behind you and puts your arms in the correct position with the hoe "Now you're in the correct position, this is how you used it" Steve holds onto your hands as they grasp the tool, he shows you how to correctly use the tool to prepare the soil for planting seeds in "There you go, now you're getting it. You're a fast learner Y/N" He smiles at you. That smile is so contagious you can't help but smile back.

After showing you a few more times to get the hang of things, Steve let's you get on with your farming work. You both have the system of you preparing the soil and Steve planting the seeds in. The system worked pretty well and you're both very proud of it too. By sun set you and Steve have managed to expand the crop area a bunch, which means more food for the both of you.

Heading back inside, P/N is awake and wondering around. They come running up to you and Steve once you both come back inside, clearly happy to see you both, although you more secretly. Steve pats P/N on the head before going straight to his crafting table. You on the other hand sit down with P/N and give them lots of pets and secretly one of the carrots from the crop path. You took one while Steve wasn't looking. P/N runs off with it to eat and you smile to yourself.

"Hey, it's getting kinda dark, don't you think?" You said to Steve, a little concerned "Yeah, we should probably head to bed soon, I hate monsters spawning around my- I mean our home" Steve clearly has a habit of talking to you but without actually facing you. You like to think it's because he's trying to multitask and not because he's rude. "Yeah about that...You only have one bed, there's only room for one of us. We can't even share, not that I want to" you say. It's true, Steve only has one bed which is an issue when 2 players live in one household "That's exactly why I've made you this, dear Y/N" Steve turns around to face you and no longer at the crafting table. He made you a bed "Wow! Well that solved the problem then. Thank you so much, Steve" you say, smiling at the man in front of you "It's fine, don't worry, now come on we should head to bed" Steve says.

Steve placed your bed on the opposite side of the room to his bed to make things appropriate as roommates. P/N comes running up the stairs to go to bed with you, jumping onto your bed once you're comfortable in it. "Y/N...thank you for helping me today...and for staying, I promise you that you won't regret it" Steve says softly. It's much quieter now, the atmosphere in the room is warm and safe, you're with your 2 favourite people in the whole world and hearing one of them say that means a lot to you. "It's no problem, Steve. I promised you I'd make things up to you, didn't I? I don't plan on ever breaking that promise" You say gently. Steve smiles to himself as he drifts off to sleep, probably the best sleep he's gotten in a while.

As you close your eyes and drift off to sleep, you see Steve's name tag and someone else's. They're still too far away to be read but you can still see a name tag like every night. You drift off to sleep peacefully either way. This is the beginning of your new life.

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