Chapter 5

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Sam was upset and he had a valid reason but I could't tell him not yet maybe not ever if he was this mad over Aedion I could't image how he would feel if he found out my name.

For now though I just had to push Sam to the back of my mind a focus on finding my court, Aedion and I both agreed that it would be best to start our search in Ardalan because we had heard whispers of a uprising in the making.

So after camping out in the forest for the night we headed towards Ardalan. 

After a few weeks of travel Aedion and I were closer then ever and Sam had just been getting more and more distant as the days went on but you could see jealousy and hatred I wished I could tell him that Aedion was my cousin but that would bring to many questions.

I also doubted that I would help as Aedion and I were supposed to get married and I am pretty sure he would like the idea of could have been husband even less then just a guy friend.

We finally reached Ardalan and it was ever bit as vile and disgusting as I remembered it to be but I lead the two boys though the slums and into my apartment. 

Sam went to change while Aedion and I walked around the main room he stoped and smiled when he was the little stag on my fire place "never forget" he whispered to me then he embraced me and let all the emotion I could tell he had been bottling up for gods knows how long just as Sam walked into the room.


I knew there was something going on between those two I had just walked in on them hugging as Aedion whisper what was most likely sweet nothing into her ear.

I looked closer and realized they were both crying? 

(A:N sorry for the short chapter I needed a filler plus I've been really distracted lately I live about 10 mins away from Minneapolis in Minnesota and Derek Johnson's trial has been going on and the whole thing has really effected my metal health I don't know what I'll do if he is't convicted I think its really funny how a black man can be killed for suspicious behavior but a white murder might not even be convicted for murder. Some times I honestly fear for my safety and especially the safety of my black classmates things have gotten really bad here recently and they will only get worse if he is't convicted)

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