taking a small break

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hey so you read the title, i'm taking a break.

sorry everyone, it's just been at the back of my mind and it just hasn't been fun writing anymore, because it feels like i need to do it, and it feels a bit draining.

my mental health is terrible right now and I'd like to make sure that it's at least stable before i can continue.

also i just learned one of my old friends wants me to die, pretended to care about me but actually hates me, and is talking about me behind my back so that's just great :')

but don't worry, i'll be back.

i promise you i'll be back, once i can find the interest to come back, i'll have something that's hopefully good for you all.

oh and you'll still find me commenting on stories, i don't plan to stop being funny in comments.

but yeah, i hope you guys understand, i just need to sort these things out and then i'll be back.

much love to all of you, thank you for 1.73k reads!

see you (hopefully) soon! 💕

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