Chapter 63: Jayden's Girlfriend

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It's always been like this.

Since I was 4.

Yelling all the fucking time.

My parents absolutely hate each other.

"Is your company more important than Owen?" My mom screamed at my dad. "Why can't you ever put your child first!"

"You're blaming me?" He yelled back. "Do you know how much I've done for him? The reason we haven't fucking divorced is because of him! And you say that I don't think about him?"

"You're lying! A divorce would make you and your business look bad. You don't care about Owen at all!"

My dad pointed his finger at her, his eyes raging with anger. "You know that isnt fucking true. I care about him, but there's no way in hell we're getting a divorce."

I grabbed a bottle of water from the cabinets. "I'm home."

Both of them quieted down and turned to me.

"O-Owen, when did you get here?" My mom stammered, walking up to me. She tried touching my arm but I moved away from her.

"I have homework to do."

"R-right..." she said, taking a step back.

My dad sighed. "Have you said anything?"

"You ask this every time I come home." I started waking to my room, stopping at the hallway. "No. I didn't say anything. So don't worry too much about you and your business."

"Do you not see what you're doing to him?" My mom started screaming again. "I haven't seen our child smile on years! He has to hear us fighting every single—"

My dad scoffed. "Then stop starting bullshit with me! I don't care any less about Owen than you do! Do you think I want to be fighting with you constantly?"

My parents don't know much about me. They don't know how I do in school, they don't know who I'm friends with, they don't know what I'm like outside my house. I haven't smiled at my parents or had a proper conversation with them since the fighting started.

My mom says they won't separate because of how much it'll affect me. She must be blind. Divorce, for all I care. It would make my life so much easier.

So I like to believe my dad's reason. The fact that getting a divorce would ruin his reputation. That's why he always makes sure I haven't told anyone what goes inside my house.

They haven't slept on the same bed in eight years. They sleep in separate rooms. They've never had a proper conversation. Just constant arguments.

I hated being inside my house.

my brothers
- e v a n n a -

"Hey, you're here..." Mia started, making all of us look up.

"Where's Jayden?" I asked, only seeing Dylan and Owen.

"He wasn't there when we came," Owen said, sitting down in one of the seats next to Taylor. "He's not answering my texts either."

Dylan looked between me and Taylor who was sitting next to me, Mia sitting on my right. He quickly looked away and tried sitting next to Bianca but Bianca spoke up. "Mia, switch with Dylan. You can sit on my right."

Mia caught on quickly and she smiled, packing her things and moving to Bianca, leaving the seat next to me empty.

Dylan sighed. "You didn't have to move."

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