Chapter 27: My First Friend

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"Hi class, I'm your home room teacher, Mrs. Wilson," The teacher smiled. She had medium length auburn hair, with a beautiful smile and pretty eyes. She was tall and was really pretty.

I was sitting in the middle row, already with assigned seats. I was sitting next to some boy and a girl.

"You will come to this class in the beginning of the day for 15 minutes to go over everything with me. You will have first period here, so I'll just switch classes with your teachers. If you don't have first period here, you go to your class. If you're here, you should have Honors Physics. Besides that, I'll just talk to you about some rules.

First, we have the basic ones, and you guys are old enough to know them, right? Respect others, respect your teachers, respect people's property, and respect the rules. Don't run in the hallways, if you're late 3 times, that's detention.

And one of our most important rule, one we will always enforce no matter what is bullying will not be tolerated."

I mentally rolled my eyes. They don't do crap about it.

After Mrs. Wilson explained the classes in detail, we went around to look at each of our classes to see what we were doing.

And I regretted my choices a lot.

First period was Honors Physics, then it was Honors Algebra 2, then AP government. Then I had AP English and language Arts, and then I had my lunch. That meant I was in lunch 1. Finally I had Honors Chorus and Honors Spanish. My last class was going to be PE.

Two AP courses, 5 Honors classes. This was going to be the death of me.

One thing I really liked about this school was that we had 10 minute breaks in between each class. How amazing is that?

This school was literally my dream school. It was so nice here. I wanted to leave though, because I was still extremely nervous about all this new school thing.

We went back to Mrs. Wilson's class so she could talk about something.

"In the morning, I just need help with something. I need help organizing my files, cleaning up the room, and helping me prepare for class. Is anyone willing to volunteer? You don't have to," Mrs. Wilson said. "You just need to come a little earlier. Since class starts at 8, I need someone to get here around 7:30."

No one answered but since it's a new school, I decided why not get close to one of a teacher? It didn't sound that bad either.

I raised my hand shyly and smiled at her.

"Oh!" She exclaimed with a really big smile. "Oh, thank you. I'm so glad someone volunteered. Everyone can head out to the entrance, Mrs. Deral is going to talk to you about the campus. Evanna, can you stay here so we can talk?"

I nodded, and soon, everyone started heading out.

Mrs. Wilson came over to me. "Thank you for volunteering. Not a lot of kids want to do this."

I smiled. "Oh, you're welcome..."

"I wish I had another person, but we can do some stuff by ourselves until then. All you have to do is just help me around before class starts. Is that okay?"

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