Chapter 11: My Mom

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It was fine for my favorite class— gym. I was literally so excited. Note the sarcasm.

As soon as I walked into the locker room, girls were staring at me and it made me uncomfortable. I walked up to my locker, but I was stopped by Cathryn.

"He's your brother?" Cathryn asked. "Are you serious?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed past her, opening my locker. "How'd you find out?"

"Sammy, or whatever his name is," Cathryn said. "I can't believe you two are... actually... siblings..."

Sammy? How did he know? Probably someone told him...

"Hey, look," Cathryn started. "I'm really, really sorry about everything I've done to you. I never really meant it. I was just... jealous... of you...? I never meant anything I did. I'm really sorry. Can we start over? Can you forgive me?"

What she said was so funny, I almost forgot to laugh.

Because everything she said was just bullshit, and I wasn't having it today.

"And besides," Cathryn continued. "Your hair doesn't look that bad either. I think we helped you—"

I stared at her in disbelief. "Is this about Jayden?"

Cathryn blinked. "What? No? I'm just sorry... Can we be friends?"

"Are you serious Cath?" Claire muttered from behind her.

Cathryn smiled at me. "Please, Evanna? I'm really sorry. I won't ever do it again. Can't we be friends? I thought you said everyone deserves second chances. Isn't that why you forgives Jayden too?"

"If I give everyone second chances, they'll take advantage of me," I said, shutting my locker. "And I am not letting you do that to me."

I gave her a smile before walking away, heading to gym class.


"Hey," Matthew said, smiling.

I smiled back as I sat next to him at the lunch table. "Hi."

"Are the... you know... are they sitting with us again?" Matthew asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know..."

"Do you... want to hang out after school?"

I laughed. "Are you trying to ask me out?"

He grinned. "Maybe?"

"That's too bad," Jayden cut in, sitting across from me. "We're going to visit someone."

Matthew clenched his jaw. "Who are you going to visit?"

Jayden looked at him. "That's none of your business."

Matthew turned to me. "Tomorrow? On Saturday. We can go get ice cream or—"

"Actually," Jayden interrupted again. "We won't be here. Like I said, we're going somewhere to visit."

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