Chapter 45: NYC Accidents

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I ran.

Ran down the stairs, past all the cars, and my inner football self came out and I may or may not have tackled him.

Okay, I did.

People around us screamed and some took their phones out to record.

I pinned him down only to be thrown off by the other guys.

"What the fuck?" The man yelled, getting up. "The fuck is your problem?"

And then I thought we could have a peaceful talk but no, because he started throwing punches.

That's when everything went crazy.

Brandon ran over and threw the hardest punch he can at one of the guys and immediately knocked him out. Flat.

I saw a chance and kicked another one in the chest and jabbed my elbow into the other's neck. The old man fell through the McDonalds glass window and I must have kicked him too hard because the glass shattered and he fell onto the other side.

The other one started coughing and eventually blood started coming out.

I walked over to the shattered-glass guy and hauled him up with his shirt in my fists. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

He gripped onto my hands tightly. "Let go off me, motherfucker."

"Why were you following them? You crazy fuck," I said, shoving him back to the street sidewalk.

He denied it. "W-what? N-no! I wasn't following t-them— I—"

"Fucking asshole, yes you were," I said. Hopefully. Unless I accidentally started beating up some poor old man— or I actually saved my sister and Mia from danger.

Murmurs exploded through the crowd and police sirens blared in the distance. The other two guys were on the floor, writhing in pain.

"You bastard!" He yelled all of a sudden and shoved me.

One more punch. One more punch.

I rolled up my sleeve and lunged for him, my right fist coming down onto his left cheek— not too hard so he won't actually break a cheekbone or something, but it was enough to send him flying backwards and slam onto the floor.

Police rushed through the crowd, holding a gun. "Hands up where I can see them!"

My hands went up and I tried slowing my breathing. A police man took me aside and asked what happened.

I told him.

Same thing with Brandon.

Then they took Mia and Evanna for investigation.

"Checking their car," a voice came out through walkie-talkie of a police. "Found 4 other girls. Tied up, bringing them now."

"Well shit," Brandon muttered. "That could've gone... really wrong."

As soon as the police let Evanna and Mia go, Evanna ran into my arms and hugged me. I could feel her trembling as she gripped onto my shirt.

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