Chapter 3

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So I'm not sure what day this is in the story but I'm gonna say that it's a Saturday and Dani starts school with Hayes in the next chapter which will be Sunday going into Monday.
| Dani |

This morning I rushed my waking up and getting ready system and forced Matt to take me to Starbucks.

I put on my dark hollister jeans and a white button up cropped tee. Hayes texted me last night saying to meet him at Starbucks in the morning. I'm guessing we were going to talk about last night.

"Matt hurry! I want Starbucks." I laughed because it's funny how I'm telling him to hurry up this time.

He's taking so long though."Never mind, I will just ride my penny board there."

"Okay, can you get me a peppermint mocha latte?" Matt asks. I laugh then say okay.

"You better get it or I'm gonna go all Espisaurus Rex on you!

"Okay Matt." I say sarcastically.

I grabbed my penny board and walked out the door.

As soon as I got there I jumped off my penny board and caught up with hayes who was beginning to walk into Starbucks.

"Ever heard of 'waiting for the lady'?"I say.

"Ever heard of 'man down, help! man down'?" Hayes said. (A/n: I honestly don't even know😂) I didn't understand.


"What?!?" He snapped at me but I shook it off.

"Is poobear mad" he probably is now that I made a reference to his nickname.

"This is serious Dani." his voice calm now. "I know you saw me yesterday, by the accident me and Nash got into."


"Why didn't you come help?" His voice filled with sorrow.

"Look Hayes, I wanted to but my brother Matt wouldn't let me." I begin.

"So you just stopped trying like that? You knew I was hurt!" He started walking towards the line to get his drink when I stopped him.

"Let me finish." I say. "I tricked my brother, told him I was going to the bathroom, and I went back to the scene but all of the rubble was picked up and nobody was there. We went to the grocery store but we weren't even there for long Hayes. You've gotta believe me."

After a minute he said "Okay." he sighed. I then sighed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks so much Hayes." I say.

"Yeah. it's called trust." he said in his raspy voice.

"Idk Grier." I smirked. "I just think you like me."

"Keep dreaming hot shot!"

"See? You just called me hot." I teased.

He took little glances at my lips then to my eyes then back to my lips then back to my eyes.

"Just kiss me already." I say and he leans in. As he connects our lips, I kiss back. I pull away after a minute.

We walked up to the counter to order.

Hayes ordered a hot chocolate and I order a cinnamon dolce latte.

"Will that be all for you today?" The girl at the counter asks.

"Oh I forgot. Can I get a tall peppermint mocha latte." I say. "it's for Matt." I whispered to Hayes.

I began to take out my wallet.

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