Chapter 10

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Kay first off, I'm sorry I haven't been on in foreverrrr😁 And bc I haven't been on forever there might be a double update bc I have nothing to do and usually I'm SUPER busy.
But here goes another chapter. BTW: it's like a month later in the story where they're like starting meetings for Digi and stuff like 26mgmt 💖✌🏾️Yeahhh
| Dani |

We headed toward the airport rushing in a black SUV, afraid we would miss our flight to LA.

"I'm pretty sure we missed the flight." I sigh towards the driver which was our 26mgmt manager, Steven.

"Continue to hope and remind me never to let you take that long.." I giggled and he paused then said "ever. Like I don't care if you're half naked or look like crap. When I say ever, I mean EVER."

The car made a 'skrrrrr' sound as we skidded into a spot right in front of the drop off lanes. We hopped out and rushed to the place we needed to be at, thankfully we made it and now we boarded our plane.
- -

The flight attendant returned with my water and I chugged it down as soon as I'd got it. I guess you could say I was nervous. I'd never been away from home that long. Matt had because he knew Nash, Hayes' older brother and visited him occasionally down in LA for sometimes more than a week. And Matt had his own fan base that I'm just finding out about now for what reason? Thanks a lot Matt, I thought we were siblings. Siblings tell each other everything!! I mean I guess.

Fortunately Matt was coming on this trip because our first meeting was down in LA and Matt could catch up with Nash and his other friends. Unfortunately.. every time Hayes kissed me or I kissed him came the PDA police.

"Woah there children, keep it PG." Matt said.

"Oh Matt, you were way past PG with that blonde a few months ago." Hayes 'oohed' and Matt glared at me.

- -

Steven was walking like 100 miles per hour out of the airport.

"Stevie slow down yeesh!" I said trying to catch up to him along with Hayes and Matt.

"I don't like airports.. shouldn't you know this ?" He said.

"Says the one who manages like 12 people. Don't you go to airports like every hour ?"

"No, I have assistants you know ?" He said. "but I'm leaving a few minutes early from the meeting because I have a meeting with Jake Miller down in San Francisco."

"Exactly Steven." I said. "smh."
~ Sorry this is short.
~ I'm gonna start making more to this bc I've been slacking 😁
~ Like this is procrastination at its finest
(NU: TBD (to be determined))
Stayperfectxx😘 -kae🌱💗

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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