Chapter 2

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He had worry in his deep blue eyes. I was speechless. I'm sure he noticed me. He looked so hurt. We were still riding to the store. But I followed his eyes til I could see them no longer. He then turned his head to his car not looking at me anymore.

"I know him." I told Matt.

"And..?" He replies carelessly.

"Don't you think it's wrong to leave them there? The cops and ambulance haven't show up yet and nobody is there to comfort them and their parents obviously don't know." I basically shout. "You would want the same if it were us."

"But it's not us, and never will be us. Plus you're just doing this because you like him."

"Stop the car." he pulled the car by the sidewalk. "I don't like him, I just met him. And I'll walk home because I'm gonna help him." I got out of the car ready to go help.

Matt walked over to my side and said "No you're not."

"Yes, I am Matt. Its not fair to them."

"I will tell dad. Then what? You'll be grounded for leaving my side."

"Well you don't have to tell dad." I fought back. I started walking to the scene.

"But I will." I turned my head and my body so that it was facing him.

"C'mon, Matt. Hayes is a nice guy." I whined.

"No, you're not going." he said firmly.

"Fine." I got back in the car and we continued our ride to the grocery store. Once we got there Matt made sure I stayed by his side knowing I was going to try and pull something on him. But I still had a plan. We walked in and we're halfway through getting groceries.

"Umm... Matt, it's uhh.. that time of the month and I really gotta ya know.." I said hoping he would give in.

"Uhhh.. ok.. don't take too long." he said awkwardly.

"Umm.. Matt you're talking to the girl that takes 2 hours to get ready for school every morning." I replied.

"True. But still.. try and hurry."

So I went to the bathroom and immediately saw a window above the big stall toilet. I stood on the toilet and crawled through the window and fell gracefully on the concrete behind the store. Good, my plan worked. I ran to the scene that was down the street from the grocery store but nobody was there. All the rubble was cleaned up but I wasn't even at the grocery store for long. Oh well. My smile faded into a frown and I held my head low til I got back to the bathroom window. I hopped back in through the window then walked out of the bathroom, my face still holding a frown. Matt stood there with a questioning look on his face. I quickly put on a smile and said "you ready to go?" He had groceries all bagged up and he was holding them. I grabbed a few bags and we walked to his truck. Once we got home, I helped put the groceries away. Then I ran upstairs and spread my body on my bed. I grabbed my phone and decided to text hayes. I laughed at what he typed in for his contact name. 'Blue eyed wonder💕'. I texted him saying.
To blue eyed wonder 💕: Hey Grier. Are you alright.
He read it and started to text back then stopped.
Hayes? I texted him. He read it again then never replied.

I thought I would just talk to him about it tomorrow on the phone or something when it wasn't 8 thirty at night. My dad called from downstairs.

"Dani! Dinners ready." I heard my dads voice. I ran downstairs and ate my spaghetti quickly. Then I ran back upstairs and turned on my tv. I was watching Gossip Girl. I soon fell asleep wondering about Hayes.

"Dani look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so angry at you. I was stupid." I heard hayes voice.

"I don't care Hayes." I walked away regretting it.

"C'mon Dani. I know you want me." he said teasing.

"No, I don't." I say.

"I may not know much about you but I know you want this."

"Want wha--" he cut me off by putting his lips on mine. I didn't kiss back. I gasped then slapped him. walking away regretting everything I told him and did to him.
***end of dream***
~ Yasss! So that last part... a dream.
~ Second chapter!!
~ I'm excited about this fanfic.
~ remember to vote this chapter and yeahh.
~ I go yeetin with the Grier's every weekend.
Stay perfect• Luv yah!

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