Chapter 6

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| Dani |

Daniela Espinosa,
We are proud to say that you've been accepted on the volleyball team as a patriot at Davidson day. Practice starts today, 5:30.
- Coach Brooks

"OH MY GOD." I screamed. "Yess, I'm in."

I checked my phone. Its time for school.
I put my white button up on and my Camo joggers on my bed. Then I got in the shower and did my daily routine.

- - (<< bc I take like hour long showers🙊)

I put on the clothes that I set on my bed and went downstairs. I grabbed a poptart and made a chocolate protein shake then headed to school. I did the same thing today that I did yesterday. Me and Hayes walked to school together.

| Hayes |

I walked to school with Daniela again today. I just hope she doesn't hate our school because of what happened yesterday.

"Sorry, about your first day here, not everyone exactly cooperates here. Especially drama queens like April and her possey." I told her.

"What do you mean? My first day was fine." she said, surprising me.

"Alright, well beware of April." I said as we parted ways and the bell rang.

- - (<< bc I hate school)

| Dani |

Practice is started and I'm being lectured right now because I was four seconds late even though all we're doing today is introducing ourselves and doing the basics.

"Espinosa. Late. You've got a record of being late huh ? Your tryout, now practice." Coach Brooks said.

Really? By four seconds and she's already bringing up past mistakes.

"We're here to learn and play, not just play Espinosa." She said. "Now get in a circle with the others."

- -

"My name is Kathryn, I've played volleyball since I was eight."

Then all the other girls shared a story.

"I'm Daniela, I've played for ten years."

- -

I got a text from Hayes when I got home.

Hayes💘: Do you wanna come over tonight ?

I texted him back with a 'sure'

Hayes💘: Alright😉 7:50

I checked my phone then checked the time. 7:35. I got ready and put on a black hoody and leggings. Then I went to pennyboard to Hayes' house and knocked on the door.

"Hey." Hayes opened the door and brought me in for a hug and I hugged back. Then others started hugging me.

"Hi, I'm Hayes' brother, Nash." Nash said, then hugged me.

"Hey, I'm Will, again Hayes' brother." Will said then hugged me.

"I'm Hayes' mom Elizabeth, nice to meet you." and then "Hi, I'm Chad nice to meet you young lady." Chad and Elizabeth said.

Hayes just stood in the corner embarrassed by his family. I just giggled and said hi back to everyone. Then once they cleared out, Hayes led me upstairs. When we reached his bedroom, a little blonde girl was sitting on his bed watching Frozen.

"Sky, get out of my room." Hayes said.

"No, I'm watching Frozen."

"Umm, Dani this is Skylynn."

"Hi, Skylynn. I'm Daniela. Nice to meet you."

"Now get out you little rascal." Hayes told Sky.

"Let it gooooooo! Let it goooooooo!" Sky sang and walked out then closed the door.

| Hayes |

"Soo, what do you need me for Grier ?." Dani said.

Who doesn't need you?

"Awww, thanks Hayes but a lot of people don't exactly need me."

"Oh, I said that out loud?" Crap Hayes, you're an idiot. I thought and covered my mouth.

(A/n: I'm thinking of the photoshoot where Devin Mitchell takes Hayes' photo and he looks like Nash and he's covering his mouth but yeah😁)

| Dani |

Hayes started setting up a camera in front of us while I sat on his bed.

"What's all this?" I ask curious.

"I'm.. famous and I wanna do a question and answer video with you." Hayes said making me surprised. "You in?"

"Yeah, I'm in. But I gotta be honest... I don't see you being famous. I mean you've already got quarterback written everywhere. Now you're famous?"

He chuckled then said, "Yeah."

"Okay, on with the video." He said after a long pause that consisted of awkward but cute eye contact.

- -

"Hey guys, I'm Hayes and this is... one of my best friends, Daniela with me here today with another weekly video." He smirked at me then the camera, then me then the camera again.

- -
End of video..

"Alright guys that's not all for today. I have one more thing. Daniela Espinosa, drop dead gorgeous Daniela Espinosa... will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, I will." He leaned over to kiss me but then covered the camera before he did.

- -

When he was done editing the video, he labelled it 'Girlfriend tag😇'
~ Sorry I updated like 5 minutes late.😁
~ ily💗 thanks for 800+ reads.
~ #dayes or #haniela
(NU: Wednesday)
Stay perfectxx😘

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