From Pain to Love (Crystalia Amaquelin, aka Crystal)

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"Medusa... You and Johnny... You're together?" Her voice was barely audible, but she knew that her sister heard her. Her mind was processing too much at the same time to even comprehend the sight that had just happened before her. Her sister, Medusalith Amaquelin, kissing her boyfriend... or rather, ex-boyfriend, Johnathan Storm. She understood now, everything that had happened and the why that constantly haunted her. It was because Johnny was seeing her sister behind her back.

"Sister, let me explain" Crystal sneered at her sister in disgust. There really was nothing to be explained in this situation. She knew what she saw, and she knew that it would haunt her for quite some time, but she wouldn't let it get to her. She was stronger than most people thought, she was not someone that needed protection. She just needed someone that would really understand her.

"What's there to explain?" She said, making her sister flinch. She could see it in her eyes, the hurt and regret in her eyes, but was it because she found out... or because they couldn't maintain their little secret any longer. She had to leave... she couldn't see them no longer or else she risked snapping at them. It really was not their fault, they fell in love but the things that her sister was doing... It had no pardon whatsoever from the affected party. "I understand everything now"

She manipulated the earth, letting it fall slowly and slightly far away from the duo that was hiding her love. She tried hard not to start crying. The feeling of betrayal breaking her heart bit by bit as she walked away from the scene. She suddenly stopped, for just a fraction of a moment before she continued her journey far away from the two.

"What am I going to tell him?" Crystal pondered, fearing his reaction. Her sister may still be married to Blackagar Boltagon but she had another person she was currently seeing. She liked the man a lot, a sudden change to everything she was accustomed to and it was gladly welcomed. The man even went towards Black Bolt to ask him if he allowed him to date his wife because of the instability that Black Bolt and Medusa had in their relationship, and the king fully accepted. "What am I going to tell Peter?"

"Crystal, please, can we just talk?" She gritted her teeth as soon as she heard her sister's voice from behind her. What did she want now? Make her suffer even further by mentioning her current relationship with Johnny? Well she could go straight to hell if it was just for that! And then she felt one of her sister's strands of hair trying to get a hold of her. All the anger that she was trying to contain, immediately went out because the strand touched her wrist.

"Why?" Crystal turned slightly around, rage and anger swirling around her body. She could see how her very own sister flinched and took a step back. She had a lot of things to say to her sister and she had to open up her eyes that she had failed, not only as a sister but as a lover. "The only possible reason I can see to talk would be to make you feel better" Crystal's glare was sending dagger after dagger. She didn't even want to be near her sister right now. She had to get away from her, from Attilan and just be on her own for a bit. Maybe Peter would allow her to stay with him in his department. "You know, I can't even blame Johnny. He's like a child. But you..." Crystal tried to reign in the tears of pain that wanted to come out of her eyes. She was trying for more than a minute now but she knew that if she kept talking, she would explode. "You are my sister. The woman that I admire the most in the entire world. How could you do this to me?" It was then that she felt the tears fall down her cheeks. The salty drop of water that came out of her eyes, showing her pain to the world around her. It wasn't like anyone else could actually see her apart from her sister, but they were in a public area and sooner or later civilians will start to appear. "Were you trying to hurt me for some reason? What about Peter? What is going to be your excuse for him?"

Crystal saw how her sister widened her eyes, pain and reality suddenly making their way into her sister's mind as she said that name. Crystal waited, trying to give her sister a chance to actually explain but as soon as she could see the Human Torch flying towards them, she turned around and walked away. She ignore Johnny, the man-child could go fuck whoever he wanted, he was always the same. She glanced back at her sister, giving her a glare before she walked away from the two, ignoring the shouts of her name. She had to find Peter as soon as possible and explain everything. She didn't want him to suffer what she had seen, he didn't deserve it either way.

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