Freezing Moment (Anzhela Federova, aka Bora)

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"Bora! I'm so sorry..." Peter Parker, also known as the hero Spider-Man, was panting his hands on his knees as he tried to recuperate his breath. In front of him stood Anzhela Federova, better known as the ex-villainess Bora. He looked up to see her with an raised eyebrow, confusion written all over her face. He still didn't truly understand just how their relationship came to be, but he would prefer not to think about it. "I had to deal with Rhino as I was swinging here and arrived late! Please forgive-"

"Petey... There is nothing wrong with being two minutes late..." Bora had to hold back a slight chuckle as she saw just how Peter was asking for forgiveness. She perfectly knew that there would be times when he would have to miss each other's activities because of his heroic responsibilities. She was definitely not going to penalize him for it. Heaven knew that if she still had her mutant powers, she would also be late to their dates. She was an artisan, her little group having done various deeds in the past. "What's important is that you arrived and that you're safe..."

"Thanks... You don't know how much I was beating myself for this" Peter stated, making Bora smile. Peter couldn't help but smile as well. Seeing the beautiful smile she was making, made him know that he made the right choice that day. He couldn't help but raise his hand to her cheek as he caressed his thumb against her rosy lips. "I love you, you know that right?"

Bora kissed Peter's thumb, a slight show of affection as her light blue eyes looked straight at his hazel ones. Her lips stayed partially open, loving the feeling of Peter's thumb against her lips. Moments like this were moments that made her fall even further for the arachnid hero in front of her.

"I love you too, Petey..." She couldn't hold it back any longer and went into the kiss she needed. She moaned right into it, her arms wrapped around his neck as she felt his arms around her waist. She loved their moments, full of love and compassion. It was very different from her past, and she loved it. But she separated from their kiss and while she already missed his lips on her own, they had an appointment together. "So... Ready to ice skate?"

Time Skip

"I really don't know how you make it seem so simple..." Peter grumbled, face first on the ice rink as he looked up to see his smirking girlfriend looking as beautiful as ever. He really couldn't stay mad at her, she was in a whole other league when it came to ice skating. It was that it was slightly embarrassing to be with someone who could compete on an olympic level and do this badly on the rink. "I've been falling every second..."

"Just don't try to actually skate. Just let yourself be" Bora helped Peter get up, an infectious smile on her face as she helped Peter skate through the rink. It was their moment, to finally be together and not having to worry about any villain that may attack the ice skating building. "Here, just follow me... You'll get it soon enough"

Peter nodded, still feeling the phantom pain of the ice on his face. It hurted a bit, though it was definitely not going to make him give up. He was doing this because it is Bora's favorite thing to do. And he was definitely not going to ruin their day. So he grabbed her hand, being slightly pulled by his girlfriend as she started to skate slowly through the rink.

"Hey... Bora, maybe we should slow down a bit..." Peter, by now, was slightly afraid of making a mistake and making the two of them fall to the ice. He didn't want to stumble and drop down while dragging Bora with him. He didn't want to hurt her. But she was happy, her chuckles seemingly making his worries fade away. But they were still going to fast for his opinion.

"Come on, Petey! You are doing great!" She stated, twirling around the ice rink while Peter was following her with every move she made. But it was then when she noticed herself being pulled to the ground. She glanced back, looking just how Peter had stumbled in one of her sudden shifts.

His back impacted the ice, making him groan slightly in pain. Though he didn't get enough chance to recuperate before Bora fell on top of him, making him wheeze out quite a bit of air. He looked at her, looking just as she was glancing up his way with a sheepish smile.

"Bora... I told you to slow down" Even if his voice sounded like a slight threat, he had a big smile on his face. The teasing he was going to make from here on out was going to be spectacular, especially when he is getting various chances to see her blushing face. She could be very cute when she wants to be.

"Sorry... I was way too excited" Bora sheepishly said, a pink hue on her cheeks as she could feel his body against her own. Many times she has felt the muscular body of her boyfriend but it didn't mean that it wouldn't make her blush.

"It's okay... You were just happy that we were here ice skating together" Peter sat on the ice while Bora knelt down in front of him. He gave her a smile, one that was immediately returned. He really was happy to be with her. And there was nowhere else he would want to be.

Time Skip

"Well... Apart from falling like fifteen times, I guess it wasn't so bad..." Peter mused as he and Bora walked through Central Park. The two heroes were now just enjoying each other's company, happy to be by each other's sides. "Though I can see that you really enjoyed our date"

"Of course! I got to ice skate with my boyfriend, what else could I have asked" Tora said, waving her hand slightly. Her statement ran true, there could not be anything more that would make this a better day. It had been the greatest date she had been in a long time. But it was then that she noticed Peter had stopped walking, his head looking downwards. "Peter-?"

"Bora... There has been something I wanted to ask you" He didn't look into her eyes. He didn't want to spoil the surprise he had for her. They had been together for almost a year now, and he had talked this with his aunt. He had gotten her blessing, so it was time to step it up. "I know this may be sudden, but this question has been nagging me for quite some time, and it is something I have to get off my chest..." Peter then fell into one knee. His hands, which were both behind his back, were now right in front of him. He was holding a light blue box with a beautiful silver ring and a beautiful hexagonal sapphire on it. "Anzhela Federova, will you marry me?"

Bora was trembling, her eyes shedding tears as she fell to her knees. Ever since Peter started his comment she had been scared that he was going to leave her. To be left alone, just how her little group parted ways as soon as their powers disappeared. But this was definitely not the case with Peter. He wanted to marry her, to make her a Parker. It was something she has dreamt about for many moons now. Her hands trembled as she grabbed his hands, sobbing slightly as she neared her forehead against his own.

"Y-Yes..." She whispered, making Peter smile in relief. She was wrong, so very wrong about her thoughts earlier. This... This was the best moment of her life. She was actually going to marry Peter Parker, the amazing Spider-Man! "I'll marry you..." It was then that she felt the cold yet warm feeling that the ring sliding through her ring finger felt like. There were waves of unexpected emotions flowing through her at once. It was then that she kissed him, though it was just a peck to the lips. "I love you so much, Petey..."

"I love you too, Bora..." Peter whispered as he enjoyed his moment with his fiancée. He was willing to risk it all to make her happy, even willing to give up being Spider-Man for her. But even he knew that she would never ask him that. He had told her just how much it meant for him to be Spider-Man, to keep Uncle Ben's memory alive through his actions. But even he would give that up in the face of his own happiness, one which he has found in the arms of Anzhela Federova. "So very much..."

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