An Ideal Mate (Ayesha, aka Kismet)

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She traveled around the globe, her eyes searching for those she deemed worthy. It had been some time since she started to do so, the rejection of the one she was destined to be with was making her feel as if her destiny was for naught. Being ignored and tossed aside hurt more than punches. But she persevered, her need to unify herself with someone worthy of her was clouding her mind. She needed to act fast, to find those she could see worthy of her gift.

In no time, she sensed it. The radiation levels were off charts, though they were seemingly stable. The radiation being confined in one place. It picked her interest, and a want to investigate the source made her redirect her flight pattern towards the area where she could sense the radiation from. She watched, her golden eyes carefully watching disaster all around her. But her eyes never left the scene that actually captivated her beyond belief. All the radiation she felt was inside of a single man, a man that was currently holding an entire building by himself.

She could see the rippling muscles, breaking and rupturing themselves as he kept on holding the building. She couldn't move, her eyes marveled at the sight. She watched everything unfold, from the hours he spent there holding the building in place and keeping notice just how the civilians were getting out of the building and of the general area of it. It took too long, so long that she thought that he kept on pressuring himself to keep the building steady out of adrenaline. Yet she perfectly knew just who this hero was, even if she had never seen him before in her life.

"Ridiculed and forgotten..." She muttered, slowly descending from the sky above and down to where he currently rested. Disaster was avoided all thanks to his fast thinking, her reasoning was making her doubt her previous judgment. But she ignored it, her eyes focused on the red and blue hero who was currently unconscious at this moment. "Yet, you gave it your all. Drawing strength from where there was not..." She approached the downed arachnid hero. She looked at his broken and bloody body, her eyes analyzing every single detail about the hero. "You are worthy of my gift, Spider-Man"

Her lips touched his, a searing kiss from the golden skinned woman. She maintained the kiss for quite a while, giving the hero her gift in the process. He probably would never notice, not when he was almost fighting to survive. But she knew that he would not give up. He was determined, she saw him persevere even when it seemed impossible. So, she had faith in the hero. She ended the kiss, slowly placing him on the rubble as she slowly levitated. Her eyes stared at him for quite a few seconds, a smile adorning her face.

"In time, you will know what this meant..." She whispered, flying elsewhere. She needed to keep finding more people that she deemed worthy of her, yet she felt as if she had already found the one for her. She ignored the thought, preferring to keep going with her personal mission. It was all she could do at this moment, and she still had to look through most of the world to find those she deemed worthy of her.

Time Skip

She gasped, pain surging through her entire body. She could feel it, just how her gift was being denied. Destroyed and ignored, just like how she felt when Adam Warlock ignored her. It broke her, her chest tightening strongly. Her fight with Quasar stopped, with the man looking at her in confusion. She could feel it, just how every single gift she gave, now only two remained. The gift from Spider-Man and Quasar, himself, still remained. It left her on a crossroads, one where she still didn't know what to do.

"They have rejected my gift..." She felt close to letting tears run down her eyes. Yet not a single one escaped. Being a creation, even if she was biologically made, left her without most things that she has seen in others. But she could definitely feel the pain of betrayal once more. "Yet... Only two have not..."

"Who is the other one?" She ignored Quasar's question, her eyes focusing once more on the planet where he lived. Her fight with Quasar ended in outer space, where she could see the beauty that Earth had from space. She steeled her body, flying fast towards the place she could still feel him at.

He was up and moving, her gift to him was letting her know about his movements. Yet, she felt as if she needed to do more. It made her question where these newfound feelings were coming from, but knowing that the man had not rejected her gift was more than what she could have asked for.

In time, she located the hero fighting against six opponents at the same time. Her body betrayed her yet again, stopping mid-flight to just watch how casually the hero was defeating all of his opponents. She watched carefully, the fight being as chaotic as it could be. It has not been a full week since she gave Spider-Man her gift, yet he kept pushing his body to the limit. The brawl kept going, yet her body still didn't move at all. Was this what it meant to be a hero, to keep on fighting even when odds were against her? Would it mean to keep on fighting even when her body wouldn't dare to move at all? She didn't know, but she did know that he was inspiring her.

Traveling the short amount of distance left between herself and the fight, she pushed the green suited villain with the tail to the side. She actually sent the man flying elsewhere, but she didn't care at that moment. She wanted to embrace him in her arms, to fulfill her destiny with the man she, herself, had chosen as her own. She cleared a path, eliminating all the six villains from her sight, until she found herself face to face with the hero.

"I have found you, my mate..." She carefully hugged him, pressing his head against her quite large chest. It was how she was created, and she didn't mind the body that it has been given to her. She heard muffled sounds from the man, which actually made her smile slightly. She carefully caressed his head, remembering the kiss between the two. She hopefully would be able to kiss him again in the future, but he needed to rest. "We will be together for the rest of our lives"

She kept the hold, closing her eyes as she kept hearing the muffled sounds from the man. Whether he wanted to escape her hold or not, she did not care. She finally had him in her hold, finally together with the man that had shown her that strong and powerful men were not only based around physical appearance. But rather, the determination that a hero had to face off against adversity. And it was because of this learned lesson, that she ended up choosing Spider-Man. She did mentally remove the gift she had given Quasar, letting him be free from it, but the hero had also gathered her respect. But her love only belonged to the arachnid hero, a man who she saw go beyond what was humanly possible. And she would stay besides him until the day death claims her life.

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