Uniting Lost Souls (Clea, aka the Sorceress Supreme)

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She had been standing in front of the house for almost half an hour, her hand only resting over the knob of the door. She was scared, something relatively new to her as she had faced demons for almost all of her life. But having to confront him to tell him of something she had hid from, was almost nerve wrecking. She didn't even know just how to tell him about the product of their night together.

Sofia Parker, her daughter with Peter Parker, was in a safe haven. Demons were currently hunting them and she didn't know where else to go. In a moment's notice, her daughter could be right beside her as she had already taught Sofia her transportation magic to create portals. She wanted Sofia to be able to escape from their attackers as quickly as she could. But they couldn't live their lives running, that was not a life that her daughter deserved.

"I have to..." She whispered, her hand just a twitch away from turning on the knob of the door and opening the door. He had explicitly told her that if she needed anything that his door would always be open for her. And she had thanked him for that, but she was scared of his reactions. He had missed years of being with his daughter. She didn't want him to hate her for that. She was doing everything she could from the forces that would take advantage of her daughter. "Peter needs to know..."

She took a hard intake of air, filling her lungs quite a bit and enlarging her considerable chest for a bit. Though the moment she exhaled, she turned the knob and opened the door. She looked inside, the apartment was surprisingly tidy. A complete change from the time she was with him inside of the apartment. She had to admit that when everything was cleaned up, the apartment had a considerable space. She walked forward, closing the door as she looked around.

"Peter?" She called out, floating around the house as she looked for the owner of the apartment. She could see just how everything was seemingly untouched, which made her start to worry. She kept on looking through the apartment and there was no sign of the man. Though it was not until she headed towards the bedroom did she see the man in question.

Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man, was sleeping. His mask laid on the floor, while he still had the rest of his outfit. Clea smiled at that, knowing full well just how tired Peter could get as he has always patrolled the city day in and day out. He practically never rested, mostly being forced by his friends to take a break from his heroics. With a wave of her hand, Peter laid in more comfortable clothes. She moved the dirty outfit of Spider-Man to the laundry with her magic, before deciding to head to the kitchen.

"Maybe he will be hungry when he wakes up..." She whispered, her eyes wandering through the small kitchen the apartment had. She steeled herself, walking forward to cook something for the man who had gifted her with her most prized treasure. She worked quietly, still thinking just how she should be able to tell him about their daughter. But even with how much thought she gave it, she had no idea just how she should be able to tell him about Sofia.

"Clea?" Her thoughts were interrupted, as she whipped her head sideways to look at Peter Parker giving her a confused look. She didn't expect him to wake up so quickly but here he was, looking at her with confusion. She just froze up, though thankfully her magic was the one who was preparing the food and nothing burned. "It has been years since we had talked with each other" She still remembers very clearly. It has been seven years, nine months and four days to be precise. And for all that time, she had definitely missed the feelings Peter had made her experience during their time together. And yet, she still didn't know how to tell him about having a daughter together. "Why are you here? And don't get me wrong, I know that I told you that my door will always be open for you. But your sudden visit has me confused"



A portal appeared between the two, making Clea open her eyes wide. They had found her very quickly, Sofia had only been permitted to use her powers whenever she was in danger. And seeing just how her daughter jumped out of the portal, and closing it as fast as she could was all Clea needed to rush towards her. She was already checking over her daughter, looking just how singes slowly burned her cloths. With a wave of her hand, the singes were no more but the cloths maintained their burned areas.

"Ok... Now I really need an explanation, Clea" She looked down, her magic stopping everything she had been doing. That included the unfinished food that she had been preparing, stopping everything and turning every machine off so as to not burn his apartment. She was having the worst of luck right at that moment, but there was nothing she could do to explain it softly. She was now obligated to be direct with her words, something that she really didn't want to push into Peter. "Because right now, I am face to face with a mini you that looks like she went to battle Surtr and barely escaped"

"She is Sofia..." Clea muttered, her eyes glancing at her daughter. Sofia was looking at Peter with wide eyes, her hazel eyes almost in tears. She knew just how much Sofia wanted to meet her father, but she had never allowed it. Having to be on the run from her uncle was stressful enough for her. She didn't want to imagine what kind of headache it would give Peter if he knew about Sofia before today. "She's our daughter, Peter..."

Clea saw just how Peter dropped his arms to the side limply. She closed her eyes momentaneously, not wanting to face the truth of how Peter would react to the news. She knew that she had fucked up everything. She also knew that he deserved to know about Sofia since the day she was born. But it would drag him to a fight she knew would kill him. Dormammu was already hell bent on trying to capture their daughter for unknown reasons. She had her hands full just trying to escape and live for more than seven years.

"Daddy..." Clea had opened her eyes, accepting her fate. She smiled at Sofia, looking just as their daughter approached Peter. Peter was crying, she could see the tears falling down his cheeks just as Sofia stepped even closer to him. She knew that Peter had recognized Sofia as his daughter, both of their eyes were the same color of hazel. She smiled sadly, looking just as Peter flinched back as their daughter gave him a hug. "I wanted to meet you for so long..."

"I..." Peter was looking at her for answers, his eyes tearful and happy yet confused. She knew that this day would come soon enough, but she didn't want to tell him this way. She wanted everything to calm down before she was ready to tell Peter everything. But here she was now, watching just how father and daughter hugged each other for the first time. It was a beautiful moment, but even she knew that it wouldn't last if she didn't explain everything to Peter. Maybe he would be able to help the two of them.

"We're being hunted, Peter..." She said, not looking at him. She didn't want to, she needed to explain everything before she even dared to look at him once more. Maybe it was karma at work here, for separating a father from his daughter. She knew she had to accept any repercussions for her actions, even if those actions led her to protect many. "My uncle wants Sofia. Though I don't know the reason for anything" She continued on explaining to the best of her capabilities. Peter deserved to know everything, it was time for him to be a part of Sofia's life. She hated bringing Peter into her conflict with her family, but she had no one else she could go to. "Please... I know that I fucked up, but we need your help... I don't-"

"Of course I will help" She smiled at him, hearing no hesitation in his voice. It was one of the reasons as to why she even fell in love with the arachnid hero. He was one of a kind, the best thing that has happened to her after the birth of their daughter. She approached him, reclining her forehead against his own. She could feel just how Sofia hugged the two of them, her head only reaching up till her waist. She had missed his hazel eyes looking at her with such love in them. She closed the gap between the two, kissing him softly. "You both are my family"

"Thank you, Peter..." She whispered, reclining her head near his shoulder. She knew that Peter had every right to hate her for not telling him about their daughter together. But she was happy with the outcome. She was happily near the two people that she loved in her life. Peter and Sofia, the two that meant everything to her. She hoped that everything would end sooner or later, because she wanted to be with Peter once more. Not feeling him for more than seven years had made her touch starved, and she needed him in her life. And with her resolution back to the way it was, she would go hell and back to fight for her family. Something she knew Peter would also do. They were united in mind and soul, and it was because of that she perfectly knew that they would win. Their troubles may be nearing their end, but their story was just beginning.

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