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It felt as though he was hearing wrongly. "Stop being your woman" echoed loudly in his head. He looked at her to verify the source of that utterance. Onome stood staring at him with her eyes bold, filled with pain but nonetheless, brave and not intimidated.

Tega could not understand where these new characters were coming from but he knew deep down in his heart that someone is instigating this rebellion against him. He loved this girl. He may not be perfect but he had proven time and again that he was willing to do anything just to be with her. He could feel his temper rising gradually but he didn't want to hit her. He decided a new vantage point.

"You don't love me anymore?" He asked looking sober and hurt. Maybe tweaking her emotions will remind her of what they have together.

"I never said so and we are not talking about love here" Onome countered him.

"What are we talking about Sugar? That you want to walk out of what we have built together because I said my woman will not sell food?" He slightly raised his voice.

"Tega don't twist my words and dont turn this table around. I was talking about me doing what I want to do. I am talking about my right to live! My right to breathe, my right to work and my RIGHT TO DO THINGS FOR ME!!!!. not my parents or siblings or even you!" She screamed!.

She stormed into the kitchen leaving him speechless. In a few seconds, she came out with an extra plate of more fries.

"Please help yourself to more".

She turned to walk into the bedroom.

"Onome who is filling your head with negative stuffs about me?" He called out as she walked away.

He couldn't eat anymore. This was not the weekend he planned. This woman was not going to leave him and he will be dammed if he allowed this new character to grow and become something else..
There was only one way to find out if truly she meant what she said.

Walking into the room, he saw her on the bed and he locked the door, removing the keys. Onome turned to the sound of the door being locked and jumped down from the bed where she was sitting but it was too late. Tega blocked the door.

"I love you Onome. I gave and I am still giving you everything you want. All I have asked in return is your obedience, your submission and you have been good in these areas so far".

"Tega what is going on? Why are you not at the dining eating?" She asked quaking. He took gentle strides towards her.

"Onome I want to give you the world and you speak to me as though am trash, no respect, you threatening to leave me, so another man can start touching you?"

He advanced towards her with the room keys safely tucked in his pocket.

Onome was scared now and that boldness was gone. The grown woman who could do anything had been shoved to the corner and the scared little obedient girl was coming out gradually. One could literally peel fear off her skin.

"Open the door, Please open the door. Whatever is going through your head is not good at all". She pleaded.

"I thought you said you wanted to die, I came to help you die and I will gladly give the police a recount of what happened. I don't mind going to jail. Infact I don't mind being killed as long as we die together. Onome I am not going to allow you dictate our relationship just because another man is showing you attention."

"No man.. no man is..."

She couldn't breathe because she could feel his hand tightly around her neck. He was choking her. She wanted to struggle, protect herself but she didn't. She was no match for him. If he truly wanted her dead, she would let him have it.

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