Taking a break from everything, and by everything I mean being sane.

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Previously on Propitious..

The woman then turned around, her green eyes blazing menacingly as she met the eyes of the man in front of her.

"Now, let's talk."


Although Leiana was successfully able to escape her own mind, they fight had not ended . Unbeknownst to her, her mindscape had become the grounds for yet another battle. Now in a pitch black realm within her mind, sounds of clashing metals and painful grunts filled the air. The strange woman who had previously saved Leiana, blocked yet another attack by the red eyed man with her dagger, before groaning in annoyance.

"Can you stop being such a child? I'm trying to talk to you!" She yelled frustrated.

However, the red eyed man seemed to pay no attention to her words whatsoever. "Shut up! I don't know what you are, but you made the wrong decision trying to trick me." He scowled before running to attack her again.

The woman clicked her tongue and her green eyes glinted dangerously. As the man tried to drive his dagger through her heart again, she quickly dodged his attack before slamming the butt of her dagger into the back of his neck. The man cried out in pain before collapsing on the ground. She then quickly sat on his back, straddling him before placing the edge of her dagger against his jugular.

"Now will you just listen to me?" She asked in annoyance.

The man stiffened as he felt the blade near his throat and finally gave up. "What do you want?" He growled.

The woman sighed and relaxed her grip on her dagger. "There's a lot I need to explain, but first of all, I'm not what you think I am." She said

The man scoffed. "What are you then? Some face stealing ghost?" he taunted.

At those words, the woman quickly punched him in the head eliciting a sharp cry of pain from the man. "I'm not a ghost!" She yelled.

She sighed and shook her head. "I forgot what an idiot you were, Cybil."

At those words, the man froze and slowly turned his head to look at the woman. At first he had just thought that the woman was simply an illusion. Leiana had seen an illusion of her mother, so he thought it would make sense that he would see and illusion of his closest friend. However, no illusion would be able to know his name. In his thousands of years of existence, he had only told his name to one person; the one person he lived for.

"No way.." He breathed, "Is it really you?"

The woman giggled before getting of his back and sitting next to him. "It's really me." She said with a smile.

The man's eyes widened even more before he jerked up and engulfed the woman in a hug. The woman embraced him back as tears started to fall from her eyes. "I missed you, Cybil." She murmured into his shoulder.

The man nodded against her shoulder. "I missed you too." He said softly.

However, Cybil interrupted their hug. "How are you here? I-I saw you die." he asked confused

The woman frowned. "That's what I wanted to explain. I don't know everything myself, but it has something to do with Leiana." She said

At the sound of her name Cybil's face twisted into grimace. "What did she do?"

The woman sighed and shook her head. "She didn't do anything. You've got it all wrong." She said.

The man furrowed his eyebrows in disdain. "How? She's a user of planetary magic..You know what her kind did to you." He said lowly.

【propitious】 A Black Clover FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now