Anxiety is a Bitch, Let's Just be Honest

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"You want me to do what?!"

Julius sighed. 

It had become apparent to him earlier that they would somehow have to retrieve all the magic stones before they fell into the wrong hands. He had originally planned to only send the Black Bulls into the underwater temple where one of the stones was held, however he had underestimated the turbulent nature of the strong magic field.

He ran a hand through his blond locks, anxiety lingering in his eyes. "I wouldn't send you if I didn't have to. While the magic around the temple will weaken, it will only be in certain areas. It would take abnormal mana awareness to get through it safely." He locked eyes with the terrified girl in front of him.

"You're the only one with enough mana sensitivity to guide the Black Bulls through the magic field." 




Leiana trembled, her fears finally  bubbling to the surface. She breathed hard, trying to suppress the anxiety burning its way up her throat and through her lips.

She buried her hands in her hair and shook her head frantically. "Are you insane?! Didn't you see what happened the other day?!"

She lifted her sleeve, revealing the faded red markings that once burned on her skin. She met Julius' eyes, hers wide with fear and anxiety.

"There's something..." She paused, swallowing hard to stop the sob from breaking through her lips. "There's something...wrong with me! My magic almost killed everyone...I almost killed everyone!. I can't...I just can't let that happen again!"

She took a step back from Julius, her hands flying to wrap around herself as tears quickly beaded in her eyes.

"No one can trust me anymore. I...I caused all that destruction. I couldn't save Fuegoleon. I couldn't save Asta. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all-"

Leiana's train thought paused when a heavy hand landed on her shoulder. She looked up to meet Julius' violet eyes and instantly all her thoughts vanished from her head.

She lip trembled at the uncharacteristically stern look on his face. Her breath caught in her throat. "I-I'm sor-"


Her words instantly faded into nothing at the soft timbre of his voice. He lifted his hand, gently wiping away the tears that had now fallen down her red cheeks.

 "What happened to you was not your fault." He said, seemingly reading her mind.

Leiana's eyes flew open in protest. "But I-"

Julius held up the red brooch Cybil had given him earlier. "One of those bastards used cursed magic on you." He frowned, bitterness seeping into his voice. "None of that.." He put the brooch away, drawing Leiana's attention back to him.

"None of what happened was your fault."

Leiana dropped her gaze to the floor, a thousand thoughts running through her head. "But, I could've...I could've hurt someone." She said quietly.

"But you didn't." Julius interjected. "There's always been the possibility that we may accidently hurt those close to us, but we can't stop being magic knights because of that.

"But most importantly..." He lifted Leiana's eyes, so her eyes met his once more.

"Not a single knight in our ranks, has lost faith in you." He rubbed the remaining tears off her cheeks.

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