*Hiss Hiss* Oh Look, It's the Purple Ham!

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Previously on Propitious: 

Cybil's gaze hardened at the man's words. The two men stood in dangerous silence for a few seconds before Cybil sighed and took a step back.

"Believe it or not, I'm not looking for a fight here. I just want to see what makes her so different." He said

Julius' threatening stance diminished and he sighed as well. "It won't take you long to figure that out. It was clear to me as soon as I saw her." He said turning to leave.

"She's just too kind."

Cybil blinked at his words as he left the corridor. However, he quickly dismissed Julius' words and scoffed.

"Yeah, right." He said, rolling his eyes. "She's just like the rest."

But he couldn't deny that somewhere inside him, although hidden very deep, was the hope that Julius was right.

Oh how he hoped.


It was several hours before Leiana woke up again. She sat up groggily and looked around, noticing that it was dark outside. She sighed and slowly eased herself out of bed. Limping to the window, she shivered and looked out at the night sky.

"How long did I sleep?" She wondered out loud.

Her eyes lingered on the stars for a few more minutes, before she tore her gaze away and sat back on her bed. She glanced down at her hands and slowly traced the faded marks on her arms. As she recounted the previous day's events, tears seeped into her eyes.

"What's wrong with me?" She muttered tearfully, clutching her arms.

The room fell silent as her tears slowly dripped onto the floor. As her silent tears evolved into sobs, a somber reality came to light. She wasn't alright.

It wasn't too long before she heard the quiet creaking of the window opening. She looked up slowly to find Cybil standing in front of her.

He stared at her and she stared back.

Leiana then averted her gaze back to her hands and hugged her knees to her body. Cybil didn't say anything, but walked to her with an unreadable expression on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but he hesitated and shook his head. He instead sat next to her. Sighing, he lifted his hand and pat her back softly.

"There There." He muttered awkwardly.

Leiana stiffened at his touch. The room was silent once more as her shoulders began to shake.

Cybil stayed the rest of the night, patting her back as she cried through the night.


The next morning, Julius sat in his office in a state of frustration and dismay. While saving Asta, he had discovered the terrorist's goal of finding the magic stones, but he knew that there must have been a traitor within their ranks to give them easy access into the capital. Sighing, he set the documents he was looking over down and turned to Marx.

"Are the prisoners secure?" He asked.

Marx nodded firmly. "They're all being held in the dungeons." He said.

"Good. Then gather all the magic knights. I'm afraid we have a traitor in our midsts." He said grimly.

Marx grimaced then nodded, walking out of the room. As soon as Marx left the room, black smoke filtered through the window and settled at the foot of his desk before forming into Cybil.

【propitious】 A Black Clover FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now