2 Men Tried To Kidnap Me Today....They Failed, lol

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Leiana woke up expecting everything that happened the previous night to be a dream. However, instead of cracked ceiling she was used to, she opened her eyes to see smooth white walls and the smell of fresh linen. 

She sprang up from her bed and looked around wondering where she was. It was a standard medical room with a small mirror and sink in the corner, however to Leiana, it looked like she was in heaven.

She climbed out of the bed, only to feel her legs buckle under her. Luckily, she caught herself before she could fall disgracefully on the floor. She hobbled over to the sink to wash her face when her eye caught her reflection. She flinched at her face in the mirror and averted her gaze She had actually never really taken the time to observe how she looked like and was surprised to see her face staring back at her in the mirror

She slowly peeped at her face in the mirror and her mouth fell agape. Her hair fell around her face in curly dark lavender locks and her eyes were a striking emerald green. Her nose was barely dusted with freckles and she had a small mole under her eye. She touched her face in awe as she realized she look like a perfect mixture of her parents; lavender locks like her mother, curly hair and green eyes like her father.

However, her attention was stolen from her face by the sound of the opening door. Leiana tensed as a muscled man walked into the small room. She took one look at his wrinkled white tank top and disheveled hair, and instantly got a bad vibe from him.

"Hey kid, you awake yet?" he asked upon entering the room. 

Leiana froze as he caught her gaze. He sighed and started to walk towards her.

"Listen, I need you to come with me." He said as he reached out to grab her hand. Her eyes widened in alarm at this action and started to scour the room for an escape route. She noticed the window a few feet from her and decided that that was her ticket out of there.

"Uh..Bye!" She said before sprinting to the window, flinging it open, and jumping as far as she could out of it.

"Crap!" The man cursed before sprinting to the window to see her still in free-fall. 

They were on the 12th floor of the castle.

He promptly jumped out the window as well in an effort to save the girl who he thought was falling to her death. Leiana saw him falling behind her and cursed under her breath. She pat her clothes and smiled, feeling her grimoire in her inner pocket. She quickly took out the book and spoke a spell just as the man caught up to her.

"Planetary Magic: Lunar gravitational shift."  

Her mana expanded and covered her body just as the man reached out to grab her. She dodged his flailing arms and pushed herself off the wall sideways while the man kept falling. However, instead of falling she floated in midair and watched as the man crashed into a nearby fruit stall. She smirked feeling proud of her spell. Lunar gravitational shift was a spell she used mostly to reach things that were too high for her, but she didn't anticipate how useful it could be.

She manipulated the gravity around her and landed softly on the ground. She let out a sigh of relief and looked around only to realize she had no idea where she was. Instead of the small houses of her village, she was surrounded by huge buildings and streets filled with people. She looked around anxiously wondering where to go and accidentally bumped into someone. Due to her small frame, she was thrown on the ground and she winced at the slight pain. She looked up to see a young adult with silver hair braided in an odd fashion.

"Watch where your going, peasant." He spat bitterly.

Leiana flinched at his tone and bowed her head in respect. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you." She apologized 

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