A Suspicous Truce

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When Leiana woke up again, she found herself once more in the castle's clinic. She groaned and tried to get up, but quickly found that she couldn't. Her entire body ached and burned, so much so, that it seemed impossible to properly move. She sighed and and stared up at the ceiling trying to remember what happened. It was then that the memories of everything that had happened before flooded into her head. Her eyes widened, as adrenaline began coursing through her body.

"Asta! H-he's.." She murmured.

She grit her teeth and recontinued her struggle roll out of bed. However, she quickly stopped her efforts at the sound of the window opening. She turned her head to see that the window had blown open by some invisible force. She stared at the window in confusion, but became alarmed as familiar black shadow came through the window. The shadow floated to the middle of the room, before solidifying and forming into the red eyed man Leiana was so familiar with.

Leiana did not skip a single beat. "Planetary Magic: Solar Scatter Shot." She exclaimed.

A magic circle appeared around her open hand, firing a column of golden flames towards the Cybil. He sighed and put out his hand. A black orb formed in his hand and absorbed the flames completely. Leiana grit her teeth and prepared to cast another spell, but before she could do so Cybil appeared in front of her and grabbed her arms.

"Let me go!" She yelled, as she thrashed around.

Cybil rolled his eyes at the thrashing girl. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you."

Leiana paused her struggle to look at Cybil suspiciously. "What do you mean? Haven't you been trying to kill me this whole time?" She said

Cybil sighed in annoyance. "Listen, don't question why. I'm not here to kill you." He said, letting go of her arms.

Leiana skooched away from the man and crossed her arms. "So why are you here?" She said in an accusatory tone.

The man paused and looked up in thought. "Hm, I guess I'm here to watch you." He said nonchalantly.

Her eyebrows furrowed at his words. "Why?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

Cybil shoved his arms in his pockets and looked away from the girl. "Just making sure you don't kill anyone." He passively

Leiana stared at the man confused, but shook herself out of it. As much as she get as much information as she could from him, she had something much more pressing on her mind.

"Well, if you're going to be here could you help me get out of here?" She asked.

The man frowned and turned back to take a look at her. Her legs were shaking and as far as he could tell, she had too little mana to do anything useful. "Why would I do that?" He asked boredom

"Because, you have nothing better to do?" Leiana offered with a nervous smile.

"No." He said blankly.

At his reply Leiana clicked her tongue in annoyance, and simply began to get up by herself. She sat herself up on the bed, only for her elbows to buckle and slide, leaving her to tumble off the bed. Cybil looked at her amused as she face planted on the floor and began to crawl her way towards the door. He sighed and crouched beside her crawling body.

"You're not going to get very far like that." He said with a small smirk.

However, Leiana did not break her struggle and continued pulling herself towards the door.
"I don't care." She said, gritting her teeth.

He raised an eyebrow at her reply and simply watched as she returned to her crawling. He opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by the creek of the door opening. He instantly faded back into a shadow before flying out the window quickly. Leiana, however, did not notice his exit, as she was focused on the man who opened the door.

"Julius!" She exclaimed

"Leiana, what are you doing?" He asked, running to help her up.

However, Leiana refused his help. "We need to find Asta!" She said frantically. "At the end of the fight, this group of people kidnapped Asta. They said they were going to dissect him we have to-" She rambled until Julius put a hand on her shoulder, interrupting her. She looked up at him in surprise to see him giving a her a reassuring look.

"He's fine. I managed to rescue him before he got hurt." He said with a smile.

Leiana froze and looked at Julius shocked, before tears started pooling in her eyes. "Thank goodness.." She murmured.

Julius' eyebrows furrowed in concern as Leiana slumped forward into Julius' shoulder. The tears eventually slipped from her eyes, as her shoulders began to shake. "I'm..so glad!" She cried.

"Leiana?" Julius asked, feeling the dampness of her tears.

However, Leiana didn't answer, and the room became filled with the sounds of her silent sobs. Julius simply wrapped his arms around the small girl and pulled her closer to him.

"I'm sorry."

- - - -
It wasn't long before Leiana finally cried herself sleep on Julius shoulder. Noticing her slumber, Julius gently picked her up, before placing her back on the clinic bed. He put the covers over her, before turning to leave. As he entered the hallway, he closed the door softly as to not wake her up, then turned sharply to the side

"You can come out now." He called.

A low chuckle rang through the corridor, before a familiar shadowy form rose through the floor and took shape.

"I'm surprised you noticed me. I suppose it's only to be expected from the Magic King" Cybil mused.

However, Julius was not in a joking mood. "What did you do?" He asked, glaring at the man.

Cybil leaned on the wall casually. "You're gonna have to be more specific. I did a lot today." He said, smirking.

Julius stepped towards the man threateningly. "I'm not going to ask again." He said.

At that, Cybil's nonchalant attitude quickly faded and his face moulded into one of seriousness. "I didn't do anything. The brat lost control of her magic because of this magic item." He said, holding up a red brooch. "One of the terrorists used its special magic on her - sent her to another dimension."

Julius peered at the brooch, taking in the information, before directing his attention back to Cybil. "So why are you still here?" He asked.

Cybil crossed his arms irritatedly. "Well someone needs to make sure she doesn't kill anyone." He said.

Julius looked at the man suspiciously. It was rather strange to him how his mission had gone from kill on sight to simply surveillance.

"If she's still alive, then she already passed your test. You need to leave." Julius said sternly.

Cybil's eyes glinted dangerously as he stepped towards the man. "What? Are you going to make me?" He taunted.

Julius didn't back down either. His mana expanded and the pressure in the room doubled. "Make no mistake, you are in my kingdom. I will not hesitate." He threatened.

Cybil's gaze hardened at the man's words. The two men stood in dangerous silence for a few seconds before Cybil sighed and took a step back.

"Believe it or not, I'm not looking for a fight here. I just want to see what makes her so different." He said

Julius' threatening stance diminished and he sighed as well. "It won't take you long to figure that out. It was clear to me as soon as I saw her." He said turning to leave.

"She's just too kind."

Cybil blinked at his words as he left the corridor. However, he quickly dismissed Julius' words and scoffed.

"Yeah, right." He said, rolling his eyes. "She's just like the rest."

But he couldn't deny that somewhere inside him, although hidden very deep, was the hope that Julius was right.

Oh how he hoped.


A/N: Sorry for the wait my darling readers. College classes are really just killing me. Anyways, I hope you all have a great day!

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