I Accidentally Tripped and Fell into a Coma

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"Hey, wake up~"

"Ngh...Leave me alone."




poke poke


poke poke pok-

"Oh my GOSH what?!"

Leiana shot up with every intention to blast whoever had chosen to wake her up at an ungodly hour. To her despair, she was met with the annoyingly smug face of Cybil.

He poked her nose, happily ignoring her budding rage. "Phew, I thought you were actually dead there for a second."

"What are you-"

Leiana blinked. 

She turned her head suddenly noticing her surroundings. It wasn't anywhere she'd been before. In fact, it didn't even look like she was still in the underwater temple.

And more importantly, there wasn't a single Black Bull in sight.

"...Where are we?"

For some reason the chilly atmosphere of the small room was really staring to creep her out.

Cybil pursed his lips, uncharacteristically quiet.

"H-hey, what's going on?" Leiana moved to climb out the small bed she was in, but was quickly pushed back down.

"Oi, calm down. You're fine." Cybil said. However, there was a desperate edge to his voice that made Leiana look at him oddly.

The man sighed, brushing his hair back. "You need to rest a bit more before you wake up."

"Wake up?"

"Take a look around. Doesn't this place look familiar to you?"

Leiana slowly surveyed the area. It was a small nondescript room. There wasn't a single thing memorable about the area she was in.

Then it finally clicked.

"I'm..in my own head again?"

Cybil nodded grimly.

"..So, why am I here? Did you change your mind on killing me?" Leiana asked warily.

"No," Cybil sighed. "but it's still kind of my fault."

Then everything hit at once. The battle with Veto, his terrifying spell, and most importantly Cybil.

Leiana's eyes widened into saucers. "You possessed me!"

"Eh, only for a little bit."

"WITHOUT my consent! That's creepy as hell!"

"You were going to die if I didn't!" 

Leiana folded her arms with a huff. "So what am I still doing here. I'm fine, so you can take your creepy un-consenting self out of my head!"

"Yeah, I can't really do that."

Leiana scowled at the man. "You can't or you won't?"

Cybil rolled his eyes. "No, I mean I literally can't." 

He pointed at the wall opposite them. "You see that?"

Leiana followed his finger to see a particularly cracked wall. Normally, she wouldn't think twice about it but for some reason just looking at the wall gave her a headache.

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