chapter twenty six - birthday girl pt2

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Maddie stood in the doorway in complete shock.

Literally the whole marvel cast where there, singing her happy birthday.

There was Robert, his wife Susan and two younger kids (this was so Rose wasn't lonely). Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans. Lizzie. Seb and Anthony. Mark and Paul Bettany. Jeremy. Tom Hiddleston standing with Tom Holland. Brie Larson and Tessa Thompson holding hands (imma make them a couple here). And to finish it all off, Paul Rudd and Benedict were standing at the back. Maddie had never seen this many avengers assmebled in one place!

''Oh wow, theres a lot of you''
Everyone laughed.
"We're here to celebrate kid. We wouldn't miss it for anything'' Maddie heard Tom Hiddleston say.
Maddie smiled and she felt Scarletts hand on her shoulder.
"You like your second suprise?'' she whispered
"i love it'' Maddie whispered back smiling
"Welcome everybody!! For people who havent met my wondeful daughter, this is Maddie. I'm sure you've all heard a lot about her and today she's celebrating her 15th birthday. She's a massive fan of marvel so i decided, whats a better way to celebrate by inviting my closest friends - who happen to be the marvel cast - round to celebrate with us?''
Maddie blushed in embarrasment
"omg mummm stop youre being really embarrasing''
The cast all laughed making maddie blush even more.
"awh leave the poor girl alone, now come on lets go inside'' Chris E said, approaching Maddie and giving her a masive bear hug.
''happy birthday love"

The cast followed Scarlett through to the garden all wishing Maddie happy birthday as they went. That's why the curtains were closed! So she couldn't see outside!
Not knowing what the garden looked like, (with party decorations, shed been in the garden before and it was beautiful) Maddie followed behind everyone with Lizzie.
Lizzie was literally her best friend at the moment. She was only four years younger than Scarlett but almost acted as Maddie's older cousin or something. They were always texting and calling to gossip about Maddie's school or Brooklyn, Lilee and Mckenna or how someone else had gotten a part that Lizzie had auditioned for. They were inseparable but iconic.

Once everyone was out in the garden the fun began. It was about midday so there was a massive buffay table set up. The hot tub was on and the pool cover was off. There were fairy lights strung around the trees and little lanterns hanging from the branches. People were lounged around on the grass and at the table. Rose and Roberts kids were trying to drag Chris E into the pool whilst Anthony and Seb were trying to chuck each other in. Music was playing and the whole atmosphere was perfect as the day went on.
Maddie opened her presents in the afternoon and they had been lovely! Scarletts final present was a kitten! It was a pure black tiny kitten which Maddie had named Loki. Seb, Anthony and Chris had gotten her a record player and some records. Paul Rudd had given her some room decor. Mark had given her some clothes (with the help of his daughters he had actually picked out some really nice things) Jeremy a bow and arrow (naturally). Brie and Tessa had given her an adorable frog ring dish. And Lizzie had secretly given her a pride flag to put up when she came out (she had told Lizzie but had asked for her not to tell anyone) Bettany, Benedict, Hiddleston and Holland had gotten a literal barrel of British sweets and Hemsworth had given her an Aussie cowboy hat (for some weird reason nobody really knew why). And finally, Robert had given Maddie iron mans arc reactor which she immediately had rushed inside to put on a shelf for display and safe keeping.

As the evening went on, both Pauls and Benedict left due to working the next day but the rest started to retreat inside. The young kids went to bed and the adults started settling down to watch a movie. Maddie was curled up next to Lizzie and Tom Holland. Others were littered around the room. Scarlett and Chris E were curled up under a blanket, Brie and Tessa were on the arm chair together, Seb and Anthony had their arms around each other's shoulders and the rest were slotted into the gaps or sat on cushions on the floor.
"Right which movie are we watching" Robert asked as he was closest to the tv
"Little mermaid?" Chris asked in a small voice.
"Omgggg no please anything but that" everyone begged. They had all watched the little mermaid thousands of times because Chris was obsessed with it and knew all the words.
"What about a horror?" Anthony suggested but many people had gone against it. Not wanting the fun night to be ended by Pennywise or Chucky to coming in to murder them all.
Many other people had suggested films but no one could find something that they all wanted to watch! However, they didn't give up. About 20 minutes later everyone was still sitting there bickering over which movie to watch and who'd make the popcorn. Maddie would happily sit here for hours and listen to them argue as it was incredibly amusing but she did maybe want to do something tonight. She looked over to Scarlett for some help but she just shrugged and mouthed 'sorry'. They both knew that when this group of people were together there was nothing that could stop the chaos.

"What about we play Mario Kart"

Maddie quickly turned away from Scarlett to look in the direction of whoever had suggested Mario.
"Whoever said that, say it again louder!"
Maddie heard Brie suggest it again louder this time and magically got the rooms attention. In seconds people were scrabbling to grab remotes before anyone else had another idea. As there could only be four people playing at once, everyone split into teams and the games commenced.
Maddie, Lizzie and Jeremy - the gossips
Scarlett, Chris E and Robert - the winners
Susan, Chris H and Mark - the ravengers
Seb, Anthony, Brie and Tessa - the couples
Tom and Tom - the brits
It was hilarious watching middle aged adults become so competitive and annoyed over a game.
Shells were thrown. Coins were collected. Medals were won.

About an hour later it was getting late and there was clearly a winning team (the couples) so people started to get up and leave, wishing Maddie a happy birthday, until there was just Chris, Lizzie, Robert and Susan left.
"Guys thank you so much for today. It's been the best birthday ever and I could not wish for better people to inspire me and surround me in love and happiness. Thank you."
"Honey i hope you had the best day and we love you so much and we've loved every second of spending time with you. You're part of the family now. Forever" Maddie started to tear up at Roberts words signalling that it had been a long and emotional day and she should probably get to bed.
Knowing they were all staying the night Maddie groggily said goodnight to everyone and thank you for a wonderful day.
She fell into bed that night feeling loved and so thankful for all these new amazing people in her life.

Im really sorry this chapter is kind of a mess as I'm half asleep whilst writing it but I hope you enjoy it :)

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