chapter thirty six - help

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Whilst Jenny was occupied with Summer, Maddie snuck up to her room. Luckily she wasn't starting school until tomorrow so today the house was pretty much empty. As Maddie ran upstairs, she saw Benji head down the stairs holding a box that was slightly moving. Maddie looked puzzled at it but didn't think much of it.
"Hey honey, are you okay?"
"Oh yeah thanks. I'm just heading up to my room... I need to unpack a little bit more"
"That's totally fine sweetheart! We'll see you for our morning spirit cleanse in a few hours"
"Oh wow okay yep cool"
Spirit cleanse sounded a bit odd but Maddie just wanted to escape up to her room so she could call Scarlett, so she quickly said goodbye to Benji and made her way up to her room.

The sun streamed through the window as Maddie entered into her bedroom. She immediately called out for Loki but got no response. He must be sleeping somewhere, she knew he couldn't have left so he was in here somewhere; instead she pulled out her phone and immediately dialled Scarletts number.
"Hello? Scarlett? Mom?"
"Maddie?!" She heard Scarletts shocked and emotional voice through the phone. "Maddie? Mads..."
"Hey Scar...I've missed you....Is this a good time to call?"
"Of course Mads! I'm sorry I didn't call be honest I didn't think you'd want to talk to me. I thought I'd messed everything up..."
"What!? This wasn't your fault! This was a massive mess up be honest I don't know what I'm going to. Let me just say I need to get out of here"
"What do you mean?! Maddie tell me where you are and I'll come and get you!"
"'s not too bad, it's just quite a cult like household with a lot of kids and an incredibly odd vibe"
"Do you need help?"
"I don't know"
"Maddie if you feel unsafe tell me! I can come and get you! The official adoption hasn't gone through yet has it?"
"No. Not yet. It's at the end of this week on Friday"
"Okay. That means we have four days to assemble the avengers and come and rescue you!"
"Omggg stop please" Maddie internally cringed, she did feel a warm glow spread through her and she tired not to smile but omg Scarlett was a little bit cringey sometimes.
"What? Do you not like the avengers anymore?"
"No! I do but please. That was incredibly unnecessarily cringey"
"Fine" Maddie could almost hear Scarletts jokey eye roll through the phone. "Look Mads. If you feel unsafe I will come and get you. I will fight in court to get you back. I will get you back you know that right?"
Sadness washed over Maddie "yeah I do" Maddie said half heartedly. She didn't want to get her hopes up.

Maddie was about to say something else until all of a sudden she heard her door open and Jenny burst in.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" All previous calmness that Jenny radiated, had now disappeared and she looked worried, scared and angry.
"What?" Maddie asked quietly. "I'm just on the phone" she let out a little scared smile.
"Give that to me. Now!"
"What, why?" Maddie questioned confused.
"Now! We do not allow phones! They are the spawn of the sin! You will be severely punished! Give it to me now!" Jenny dived to grab the phone but Maddie quickly moved out the way and the phone fell onto the bed. The exasperated woman suddenly realised that the call was still on and whoever was the on the other end would have heard all of that.
"Turn it off! Turn it off!" She screamed. Before grabbing the phone and storming out the room.

Scarlett had been listening to the whole conversation and was sitting at the other of the phone biting her nails nervously but not saying anything. When she had first heard the door open she had stayed quite out of respect but now she stayed quiet (recording the whole thing) for the safety of Maddie. Once the phone call was over she would be on the phone to the police! The minute Maddie had said she needed to get out of there, Scarlett instantly knew that Maddie wouldn't joke about that unless she really did feel unsafe.
After hearing that conversation as well, Scarlett knew something wasn't right so she immediately phoned Lizzie.
"Scarlett. Is everything okay?"
"Maddie needs help"
"What. Are you sure? Why?!"
"She just called me and towards the end of the conversation, the woman that Maddie's staying with started screaming at her about Satan and punishment and shit. She needs our help"
"Jeez Scar I'm so sorry. I'll come round now. Do you know where she is?"
"No. I was gonna ask you the same thing"
"All I know is she's in the south of Utah"
"Did she tell you?"
"Of course not! She didn't even know where she was going herself, however, her last snap maps thing was in the south of Utah. But that was two days ago"
"God that's why I don't trust social media"
"Cmon scar if it wasn't for this then we wouldn't be able to find her"
"Ugh suppose. Anyway. Come round now and bring Chris. We need to rescue Maddie"

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