chapter sixteen - finally home

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(house layout at the top btw)

After six hours of travelling, Scarlett and Maddie finally arrived home. The car pulled up to a beautiful 4 bed Mediterranean style house, clad with honey suckle climbing the walls. Maddie stared up at it with awe. It's beautiful. She was so stunned by it that she forgot that she actually had to leave the car.
"You getting out love?" Scarletts holding the door open for Maddie to get out.
She slowly climbed out the car, dragging her rucksack with her.
"This is your house?"
"Yep. Do you like it?"
"What! I love it! It's like... the most beautiful house I have ever seen!"
"Well this house is now also yours!"
Maddie felt a smile spread across her face. This house was now also hers. She now lived her. That sounded so mental. She was about to run up the door and open it until Scarlett quickly said something.
"Ooo maybe don't open it immediately. Ummmm there may be a surprise in there for you. Like a welcome home party" Scarlett rubbed her neck awkwardly
"Go on" Maddie asked.
"The avengers cast wanted to do something for you"
"How do they know about me!?"
"I boast about you on the chat quite a lot"
Maddie laughed and rolled her eyes. Even though she looked fine on the outside she was freaking out inside! She was going to meet the marvel cast! Wtf! Maddie was so excited but tried to act cool. Hoping it was working, she slowly walked up to the door. Cautiously she opened it and it led to a hallway.

She felt Scarlett besides her. She gesture for Maddie to follow her down a hallway to a big open plan living area. Maddie looked confused. Where was everyone? There was a banner saying 'Weclome to the family' with the welcome spelt wrong (probably Seb and Anthony) , food on the table, and streamers everywhere, but no one around.

Suddenly, there was an explosion of colour and noise! Lizzie and Chris jumped out from behind the curtain, Robert and Hemsworth from behind the kitchen island, and Jeremy and Mark hopped up from behind the sofa. Mackie and Sebastian jumped out from behind the door, blowing on kazoos at full volume. They all were screaming and clapping. Absolute chaos. Maddie was complete terrified for a few seconds before she burst out laughing with Scarlett.
"Let me tell you. When I asked you to organise a small welcome home party I did not expect all this!" Scarlett explained in between laughter.
"Well we had to give our new god daughter the entry she deserved!" Chris said. "She's one of us now! She needs to get used to the chaos!" Robert said loudly.
The whole room was still laughing and getting out of their hiding places. Lizzie came up to Maddie and embraced her in a tight hug.
"Welcome home Mads, it's lovely to see you again even if we did scare the shit out of you"
The next person Maddie was introduced to was Robert. He hugged her gently.
"Welcome home kiddo. Scarlett has not shut up about you so it's great to great finally meet you"

The rest of the afternoon was great! Maddie was introduced to the whole cast. Evans made her feel super safe (already her favourite) Mark was so sweet! Hemsworth's accent was Maddie's absolute favourite. Sebastian and Mackie were a chaotic but great duo. Robert made her laugh so hard. Jeremy kept giving her little snippets of gossip about each of the others and obviously she had met Lizzie before but she was constantly complimenting her.
Scarlett stood back and looked fondly at Maddie. Admiring how she handled each person and introduced herself politely. It made her so happy seeing Maddie interact perfectly with her second family. She wished she could stay in this moment forever.
At around 7 - about 3 hours of games, drinks, and gossip later - people gradually started to leave. Eventually it was just Scarlett, Maddie, Lizzie and Chris (E) left, curled up on the sofa and chairs around the living room.
"Thank you so much guys. This night had been the best. I can't believe it's actually real"
"It's been great meeting you. We heard so much about you. This" pointing at Scarlett " woman here would not shut up about you. But to be honest I don't blame her." Chris laughed.
"Hey that's not fair! Shut up Chris. You go on about dodger all the time! I think it's adorable that Scarlett would constant bring Maddie up" Elizabeth fought back.
"Thank you Lizzie!" Scarlett wiggled her eyebrows at Chris competitively.
Maddie just sat back and giggled at the banter.
As much as she wanted to stay awake her eyelids were staring to feel heavy. She was definitely still on New York time. Scarlett noticed and shooed everyone out the house before showing Maddie her bedroom.
From what Maddie could make out through her half shut eyes, the room was cosy and warm. It was mainly white and quite basic meaning Maddie could personalise it. She saw her bag at the bottom of the bed and saw her bunny teddy on the pillow. She smiled at Scarlett. This little gesture made her feel properly loved and safe.
After showing Maddie were everything was in the bathroom Scarlett said goodnight; Explaining that there would be a proper house tour and neighbourhood tour tomorrow.
"Goodnight love. I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well"
"Goodnight Scarlett. Thank you so much. For everything"
And with that Maddie climbed into the bed and fell into a deep and content sleep.

Again i hope you like this chapter! It was another one of my favourites to write :) xox

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