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Mokotos pov

I opened my eyes to find myself in the dinning hall. Did someone carry me here? But that doesn't make sense we were supposed to be leaving.

No I shouldn't panic I'm sure I just passed out from the stress and the others carried me here to recover. All sense of logic left me when I saw keade and sayaka looking worriedly at me.

"ahhhhh!" I screamed.

"hey calm down mokoto everything will be fine" keade said reassuringly.

"don't tell me to calm down when you all came back from the freaking dead!" I yelled. I looked around and everyone that died was now alive and well.

Everyone was confronting their loved ones. Shuichi was hugging kaito and maki, Hiro was hugging Angie, hina was crying in front of sakura, chihiro, taka and Leon were pulling mondo, ryoma and rantaro into a group hug and kokichi was crying into kyokos chest while she gently petted his head.

"Umm mokoto" I looked up to see sayaka "I'm so-"

I pulled her into a hug "I forgive you"

"thank you" she said bursting into tears.

Our peaceful moment was soon cut off by laughter I knew all too well.

"Well howdy fellas! I must say it fills me with such joy to see you all again" Monokuma giggled.

"your back" keade gasped.

"of course he's back you bafoon" Byakuya sighed "now tell me how the hell this is possible? How did you bring me back from the dead after that thing stabbed me to death!" he pointed to toko angrily.

"just the kind of question I'd expect from a heir" Monokuma giggled "Well how do I explain this. Its not really that we brought you back from the dead. It's more like you went back in time!"

"what the hell are you talking about?" Leon asked.

"you see when the class from the other universe came here it caused a time loop. It's kinda like that movie groundhogs day when the whole thing respeats over and over again until you find a way to break the cycle. Can you imagine the despair a repeating killing game will cause? Oh I'm getting excited just thinking about it!" with that he disappeared.

I could barely take in what I was told. A repeating killing game? Dose that mean we'll never escape? No I have to think positively. We'll find a way to escape. I know we will.

"Well then everyone it's almost nighttime so I suggest we return to our dorms" celese said as polite as ever.

"why should I listen to you after you killed me" hifumi growled.

"like you have a right to talk after you tried to kill me!" taka yelled accusingly.

One by one everyone started yelling at each other. The anger and betrayal everyone felt exploded at that moment. I cowerd in fear at that moment and then...

"everyone that's enough!" keade firm voice cut through the arguing "I know everyone's feeling betrayed at the moment. Alot of us were murdered by people we considered our friends and we still are friends! It's true we made some bad decisions in the past but we have a chance to start over again so I say we do our best and take advantage of our second chance!"

Everyone started murmuring in agreement.

"she's amazing" shuichi muttered. I nodded in agreement.

"wonderful now that's settled let's go to bed" celese smiled.

We all groaned and walked to our dorm.

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now