Confession Gone Wrong

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??? Pov

I made my way to the workshop. It was late  but I didn't care! I had to confess my love to my red haired angle! I died along with himiko and Angie last time but things should be different this time! After all kokichi and chihiro are together now so things should work out for us too.

I walked in and saw her standing there tiredly, she came!

"neah what on earth do you want to talk about at three in the morning!" himiko complained. God I love it when she get irritated.

(gore warning)

"oh-well-you see-I" I was cut off by a spike come through himikos eye. Her mouth was wide open in shock before she fell limply to the floor. I couldn't stop staring at her lifeless corpse. No. Not again!

Keades pov

I yawned and stretched as the sun beamed down on my face from the cracks in the plates. Time to great a new day!

I got up and walked down the hallway with a pep in my step. I really believed everything would be ok. That is until I stepped in some kind of liquid. It is- no! I'm sure it's just a a spilt drink. Yeah that's it! I'm going to look down the it won't be...


I started shaking uncontrollably as tears pricked my eyes. Why? I thought things were finally going to be ok. Why is it starting up again! Why why why why why why why why why wh-

"keade" I felt a strong hand grasp my shoulder. I looked up to see rantaro "I know how you feel but you've got to get a hold of yourself. We gotta investigate the bodies" bodies! No I can't freeze up now! I gotta do my best to help everyone else!

I turned to him with a smile "right let's get started"

"adda girl" he smiled back "your so strong. Stronger than you know. Now follow me" I nodded and followed him into the workshop.

The bodies of himiko and angie lay on the floor. I could see Hiro crying at Angies body. I felt a pain in my heart just looking at them. They were in my class. I should have kept them safe!

"the blood trail we saw most likely belonged to himiko" rantaro muttered "the trail leads back to her body after all"

"that's true. Her injury must have been pretty bad to make her bleed that much" I said thoughtfully "I should check it out"

"I'll leave you to it" rantaro patted my shoulder before walking in the other direction. He's been pretty nice to me. Maybe I should spend more time with him after all this. Well no time to think about that I got a body to inspect!

(gore warning again!)

I got down and inspected himikos body. I was shocked by what I found. There was a small hole that ran from the back of himikos head to her eye which was now hanging out of her socket. I felt sick just looking at her. Kyoko however was completely calm.

"interesting. So the killer either attached himiko from the front or behind with a sharp, thin object. Either way it a strange way to kill someone"

"I agree" I muttered.


Ok I should inspect Angies corpe next. I bent down and inspected the body. The only injury I could see was a small hole in her chest.

Kyoko peaked over my shoulder "judging from the injury she was stabbed in the heart with a similar weapon to what killed himiko and died instantly which would explain why there isn't much blood around her body"

"yeah" I muttered. If she died instantly then aleast she didn't suffer. At least we can thank atua for that!


"gonta found something" gonta said picking up a blood stained fire poker with one finger.

"huh a fire poker?" hina gasped.

"what is fire poker" gonta asked.

"oh well you see-"

"enough! We don't have time to sit around and explain things to a bafoon!" Byakuya said cruely "all that matters is that this fits as the murder weapon correct?"

"yes. The whith of a fire poker would fit perfectly with the injuries" kyoko muttered.

"then it seems we have our murder weapon" Byakuya smirked.

"so gonta was useful?" gonta said hopefully.

"you did awesome big guy!" Leon cheered while the others murmured in agreement. Gonta sat there looking pleased with himself. What an adorable guy!


"hey has anyone seen tenko?" taka asked.

"no in fact I haven't seen her all goddamm morning" mondo grumbled.

"don't worry mondo-sempi me and chihiro will check on her. Come on babe" kokichi said making chihiro blush.

"r-right" the red faced boy muttered, following his boyfriend down to tenkos room.

Chihiros pov

I followed kokichi down to tenkos room. His babe comment made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. No one else makes me feel this way so I have to get through this trail so he can stay alive and healthy. There's no buts about it I just gotta do it!

We arrived at tenkos dorm and knocked on the door. Tenko opened the door with red puffy eyes. She had been crying and it doesn't look like she got much sleep. She took one look at us and took off down the hallway crying.

"that was odd" kokichi commented.

"yeah" I muttered.


"ohhh let's go look in her room" kokichi said opening the door.

"wait" I grabbed his wrist "kokichi we can't just go into someone's dorm room without permission!"

"it's an investigation babe everywhere is open for us" kokichi said strolling in.

"I wish I had your confidence" I sighed as I followed him in.

The room was a mess along with their being a dartboard with all our male classmates faces on it. That's a little scary!

"hey chihiro check this out!" I turned around and my blood froze at what I saw.

Bloody clothes.


I don't understand. Why is tenkos clothes all bloody? before I could question it further the Monokuma announcement went off.

The class trail has begun.

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