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Rantaros pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. This time the victim was my own roommate so things felt a little more personal to me-

"alright you murderer show your face so I can smash your fucking face in" mondo bumped his fists together.

"no one's going to react to a threat like that" kiibo yelped.

"like I give a damn!" he growled "now answer the fucking questi-"

"mondo" I said gently "I understand that you're upset. I'm upset too but yelling at everyone isn't going to help us find his killer"

Mondo took a deep breath "yeah your right. Fuck I'm sorry"

"It's fine" I nodded understandingly "ok let's begin with the cause of death"

"let's see. He was killed with a blow to the head right?" shuichi muttered.

"yeah but it wasn't the only one who was hit" I muttered "hifumi was hit by a second hammer but managed to survive"

"yeah. I've never been so scared in my life" hifumi shivered.

"so the killer was going on a killing spree" hina covered her mouth in shock.

"sounds horrifying" mokoto sweated nervously.

"more like excitingly brilliant!" genocide Jill popped out of nowhere.

"again? Why do you have to keep showing up!" Hiro yelped.

"hey I have the right to be here just like everyone else" she yelled

"you lost that privilege once you killed all those men" himiko yelled.

"killing several men. That's something even I wouldn't approve of" tenko shuttered.

While the others were fighting  a light bulb went off in my head. That's it! I know who killed taka.

"hifumi something about your story doesn't add up" everyone stopped fighting and looked at hifumi.

"whatever do you mean Mr amomi?" hifumi asked nervously.

"you said that you can't remember anything about your attacker but yet you remembered what floor taka was killed on. Isn't that strange?"

"I don't know what to tell you Mr amomi. That's just how my minds working right now" hifumi sweated nervously.

"isn't it a little much to be suspicious of someone just because of a head injury?" sakura asked.

"it would be but I have more reason to suspect him" I pressed further "I was looking through the bin when I found an empty blood pack there. Now why would that be there?"

"maybe someone needed to use it!" Angie suggested.

"yes but who?" I asked "there was no one in critical condition that needed it"

"what about kokichi?" chihiro said in a strained voice "you said you tried to save his life didn't you?"

"I never used a blood pack on him" I said through clenched teeth "kokichi knew he was going to die so he didn't want me wasting any medical supplies on him"

"that sounds like a kokichi thing to do" keade said with a sad smile.

I turned to hifumi "you used that blood pack to fake that head injury didn't you!"

"what! Mr amomi I'm ashamed of you. How dare you claim such a thing!"

"if you head injuries real then you won't mind me taking a look" kyoko grinned confidently "I'll be able to tell with one quick examination"

"I-I-ahhhhh" he screamed helplessly.

I sighed "we're done here. Let's just cast the votes"

We nodded and voted for hifumi.

Mondo marched up to hifumi and punched him in the face.

"alright you fat fuck I hope your ready to die!" he yelled angrily

He lifted his fist to hit him again but I stood in the way.

"get the fuck out of my way" he growled "I need to make this basturd pay!"

"do you really think this is what  would want?" I yelled "he is going to die anyway so let's just get this over with"

Mondos fist shook before he lowered it "fuck!" he yelled before marching off with tears in his eyes. Chihiro and Leon were quick to confort him.

"thank you" hifumi said holding his cheek in pain.

"no problem. I did it more for mondos sake then yours" I sighed "the last thing we need is to have him die along with you-"

"nooo" he hugged my waist with tears in his eyes "please Mr amomi I don't want to die. I didn't want to do it but I had to. For her"

"her" I raised an eyebrow.

"your talking about alter Ego aren't you?" chihiro muttered.

"yes" he nodded firmly "she was the only one who ever laughed at my jokes, who ever found me interesting. I loved her. I couldn't let that feind keep hold of her. So that's why I did it" he looked up at me with tears in his eyes "please help me. I'm not a bad person"

"I believe you" his eyes lit up with hope "but I can't help you" I pushed him away "you made your choice. Now you have to deal with the consequences"

"let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiiits punishment Time!"

Hifumi was placed in what looked like the battle seance of a shonan anime. Two giants robot women landed next to him.

Hifumi yamadas punishment
2D death row

The robots set missile, robot fists and lazers at hifumi. Despite it looking very painful hifumi looked like he was having a great time. Eventually the two robots flew away and hifumi was crushed by a buff looking alter Ego.
I didn't even know what I was feeling at that point. That execution just left me feeling very confused. Damn that Tsmugi and junko! They're just toying with us now!

I went back to the elevator with the others. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now