The Love Motive Returns

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Kokichis pov

"hehe its so nice to talk to you kokichi"

I smiled blissfully. I had alter Ego under my blankets and was having a lively conversation with him. I know he's just a computer program chihiro created but when I talk to him I feel like chihiros not gone. Not completely.

Our conversation was of course interrupted by Monokuma "alright kiddies head to the gymnasium pronto for the next motive!" the monitor shut off.

I sighed and turned to alter Ego. I typed up "sorry alter Ego but I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon"

"ok kokichi I'll be waiting here" alter Ego smiled in a way that looked painfully like chihiros "you know kokichi when I talk to you I start to miss master alot less. I think you help me out!"

I smiled and typed up "same here"

"hehehe" alter Ego giggled. It was crazy how human like he was. Chihiro was a real genius.

I stood up with a sigh. Alright let's see what that bear wants!

*time skip*

So he's bringing back the love motive. That one's definitely targeted at Korekiyo. I'm going to have to keep an eye on him.

"don't worry kokichi" tenko placed a hand on my shoulder "I'm not going to confess to himiko this time so things should be different. I wonder if that freak will kill anyone else though?"

"who knows" I muttered "I'll go check on him.

*another time skip*

I was walking around the halls searching for Korekiyo when I heard..

"thank you so much for your help keade. I feel like I see things in a new light now" Korekiyo happily walked past me.

"Umm keade what did you do?" I asked.

Keade turned to me in surprise "Umm well after hearing what Korekiyos sister did to him I figured he could use some therapy. I'm hoping it will change things for the better"

I stared at her in disbelief "keade your amazing"

"aww thanks kichi. I think you're pretty amazing too" she petted my head "now let's go get some lunch!"

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now