Surprising Four Deaths!

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???s pov

I held the blood stained bat with shaky hands. I can't believe I just killed someone! But I had to. I have to get back no matter what. Besides its not like he ever liked me.

"very good dear" my accomplish smiled at me "now it's time for your reward" before I could stop them they raised their hammer and ended my life. Its what I deserve for taking another life.

I guess mokoto was right about me.

Kokichis pov

I woke up to the sound of a blood curdling scream. I jumped out of bed and ran towards the workshop where the scream was coming from.

What the hell happened this time!

Mokoto was on his knees in shock. I guess he's the one who let out the scream. Suddenly the monitor switched on and a message played.

"a body has been discovered!"

Suddenly the rest of our classmates appeared.

"wow look at that a dead body! And it only took you two days to turn to murder. You kids sure don't play around I like ya!" I turned around to see Monokuma.

"shut up! Tell us who did this!" mokoto yelled.

"no no I can't tell you that it will spoil the fun"

"dose it look like were having fun" keade asked.

"nope but that's not my problem" Monokuma turned around "not get moving!" he disappeared.

I looked down in disbelief. Three bodies. They belonged to Leon, sayaka and hifumi. Why is there so many multiple deaths going on? Has everyone gone mad? Can't say I blame them.

"Leon!" mondo yelled in horror "fuck! Why are all my friends dieing!"

"mondo" taka looked at his boyfriend helplessly.

"this is awful" hina sobbed "why do all our friends have to keep dropping like flies!" some of her tears landed on hifumis face and like something out of a fairytale he opened his eyes!

"ok what the fuck!" mondo yelled.

"hifumi!" hina took his hand "please tell me who killed you?"

"who killed me?" he muttered quietly "it was ya-su-hi-ro" his eyes closed and they never opened again


"so it's either Hiro or cleste" rantaro muttered.

"at least we can narrow it down to two suspects" keade said brightly.

"screw that it was cleste" mondo yelled "that double money motive was too sweet to refuse huh? Had to take that innocent kids life didn't you!"

"you have absolutely no proof that I committed this deed" she gave him her usual fake smile.

"shut the fuck up and admit that you killed them!"

"mondo that's enough" I stood in front of the biker "she's right. We don't have any real proof that it was her but don't worry. We will" I smiled at her before walking towards the bodies. Ok it's investigation time!

"hey kokichi do you mind if I help you out?" I turned around to see mokoto looking nervously at me.

"sure thing! You are one of the more capable ones here" I grinned at him.

"thanks" he knelt down and inspected the bodies "it looks like they all died from blunt force trauma"

"very good" I smiled at him "though judging by the head wounds  Leon and sayaka seem to have been killed using different weapons which means.."

"they were killed by different people" me and mokoto said in unison. Wow he really figured it out. I wonder if kyoko felt this proud when she was teaching me?


mokoto looked down sadly "I feel really bad about sayaka. Maybe if I forgave her then none of this would have happened"

I took his hand "mokoto I know forgiving someone can't be easy. Trust me I have to go through at least three timelines to gain everyone's forgivness. What I'm trying to say is that you're not the one that has to immediately forgive her. It's sayaka that has to work towards that forgiveness"

"thanks kokichi" he smiled weakly at me.

I looked down at the floor to see a blood stained bat. Leon's head wound matches up perfectly with a bat. Ok that's what killed Leon but what killed sayaka?

I searched around the workshop until I can across a suspiciously clean hammer. I think we found our murder weapon.


I noticed ryoma was looking more glum then usual.

"hey ryoma. You feeling ok?"

"not really kid. A good hearted kid like him is laying dead and useless scum is still sucking air. What kind of injustice is that?" he looked angry. Can't blame him his only friend is dead.

"you guys are roommates right. Did you notice him leaving?"

"nah I was sleeping. I just received a note from the kid telling me that he was meeting up with someone. I wish I could have stopped him" I getting a picture of what happened. This should help me out in the trail.


then surprise surprise Monokuma showed up demanding that we go to the class Trail. I was about to go when I was grabbed by mondo

"please tell me you have a way to prove that she did it!" he looked so desperate. He must really want to bring justice to his fallen friend.

"don't worry" I grinned at him "I have a plan"

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